Exploring the Antipsychiatry Movement

man in black sweater sitting on brown wooden chair

The antipsychiatry movement, a term coined by psychiatrist David Cooper in 1967, fundamentally challenges mainstream psychiatric theory and practice. It asserts that psychiatric concepts and diagnoses of ‘mental illness’ are neither real nor useful. This blog post aims to explore the history of the antipsychiatry movement, its current impact on the field and society, and areas […]

The Impact of Language Learning on Theory of Mind in Deaf Children

a group of kids holding their fists up and smiling

The development of Theory of Mind (ToM) – the ability to understand that others have beliefs, desires, intentions, and perspectives that are different from one’s own – is a crucial aspect of cognitive development in children. However, research has shown that deaf children who are late signers (i.e., those born to hearing parents) often exhibit […]

Enhance Your Well-Being with Therapeutic Interventions and Counseling Services in Sarasota

trees beside road

Davenport Psychology in Sarasota is committed to providing comprehensive mental health services to individuals and families. With a wide range of offerings including counseling, therapy, psychological evaluations, and group and family sessions, Davenport Psychology aims to support clients in their journey towards improved well-being. In this article, we will explore the various services provided by […]