What is anxiety & anxiety treatment?
Most of us have felt short periods of moderate anxiety. Such as before a public speaking engagement or before taking an exam. Someone with an anxiety disorder experiences intense anxiety, that interferes with their functioning, and occurs for six months or more.
After several months of anxiety, many people develop depression too. This is understandable. When the anxiety does not stop, it takes a toll on us and we start to feel hopeless. At Davenport Psychology we treat depression and anxiety together. Call us today 941-702-2457 offices Sarasota and Venice.
Some people have worry or anxiety performing at an athletic event. The good news is we help with that too. We offer Sports & Performance Psychology for performance related angst or worry. More good news! : ANXIETY IS VERY TREATABLE!
What are Anxiety Disorders?
There are several types of Anxiety Disorders. They include:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder–
If you have generalized anxiety disorder you may experience excessive worry or concern about common problems. These problems may be related to work, family, health, mortality, or disaster. Many times, it is difficult to relax or control the worry. You may have difficulty concentrating, sleeping, feel more irritable, or your mind may “go blank.”
Other symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include, muscle aches or soreness, tiring easily, feeling more fatigued then normal, nausea, diarrhea, or increased sweating. There are several medical conditions that can also cause some of these symptoms. These medical conditions need to be ruled out to make a diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder1
Panic Disorder–

Panic disorder is characterized by the sudden onset of symptoms which have a relatively short duration (minutes). You are likely to feel intense fear. You may also experience a combination of physical symptoms, thoughts, and feelings. When you have panic disorder, some of the physical symptoms you experience my include: pounding heart, fast beating heart, sweating, shortness of breath, fear of impending doom, feeling out of control, fear you will die. 1
You may worry about when the next panic attack will happen. This worry tends to lead to more feelings of being out of control, or thoughts that something bad is happening or will happen soon. Sometimes, people with panic disorder try to avoid places, things, or thoughts that might trigger another panic attack. 1
Many times people develop a fear of leaving their house because of a fear of having another panic attack. Agoraphobia, is when the fear of leaving your house significantly interferes with your functioning. Panic disorder and agoraphobia are frequently seen together. When we avoid leaving our houses, to avoid having a panic attack, we can feel more out of control. This can become a stick loop to get out of. Our minds are just trying to protect us when we avoid things. Unfortunately, this primitive protection frequently makes panic disorder worse. 1
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder-
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can vary from very intense to more moderate. When obsessions (repetitive thoughts / worries) or compulsions (Strong seemingly irresistible) desires to do things significantly interferes with your life we suggest you consider meeting with a Psychologist to get a better understanding of your situation.
Social Phobia–
Social phobia is an intense fear of being assessed negatively by others and anxiety about or avoidance of these situations. Many times there is fear of being embarrassed or judged negatively in these situations. Social anxiety disorder can manifest in a range of situations, such as within the workplace or the school environment. 1
Specific Phobia-
A specific phobia is an intense fear and or avoidance of specific things or situations. The intense fear, seen with specific phobias, is markedly stronger than the situation warrants. Common fears with specific phobia include: injection, heights, airplanes, highways, driving, water, flying, animals, or insects and blood. 1
Our approach to Anxiety Treatment-

The Psychologists at Davenport Psychology have successfully treated many patients’ anxiety drawing from several empirically validated treatments (EVT). Despite the use of EVT’s we know the optimal treatment for each patient varies as does the cause of their anxiety. As patients move through treatment, we frequently change the treatment approach based on what is working best for that patient at that time. One size does not fit all when it comes to anxiety treatment with the Psychologists at Davenport Psychology. Change is possible.
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