ormal life. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the first line treatment, sometimes with medication management, for depression. CBT has been shown to help reduce negative thoughts, feelings of guilt, sadness, or loneliness. If you or someone you love is having difficulty getting up in the morning, going to work or school, or doing what then need to in life, the Psychologists at Davenport Psychology may be able to help you regain your life again. So you can live without suffering.
Call Davenport Psychology for more information: 941-702-2457
Symptoms of Depression

Depression symptoms can look very different for different people. Living in sunny Sarasota or Venice, FL does not mean you can’t feel depressed. Sadness anxiety, and apathy are commonly seen with depression. Many people with depression in Sarasota and Venice, FL push through those symptoms.
There are a lot of symptoms that are easier to cover up, or may not even seem to be related to depression. Many “successful” folks in Sarasota and Venice may not show their sadness or hopelessness to the world. They may not even realize their symptoms of depression some of which are physiological such as: changes in sexual functioning or desire, decreased appetite, and disrupted sleep.
More information about Depression

Many times we think of depression as getting us down. However, this is not always the case. More energized emotions such as irritability, anxiety and anger can be indicative of a depressive process.
A depressed person is NOT always a sad person lying in bed all day, not eating or caring about anything. Of course, that is one of the many colors or faces of depression. Depression can also look like someone who is not sleeping, worrying, burring themselves in projects, or overeating and gaining weight.
Depression is a very common problem in Sarasota and Venice, FL. In Florida, 9% of 12-17 year-olds have experience at least one Major Depressive Episode. 3.4% of adults per year have had suicidal thoughts in the past year. 76.8% of adults and adolescents who received depression treatment reported improved function from the depression treatment. However, the date reported above is not comprehensive. Many people do not know what they are experiencing is depression and many more would not tell anyone they were depressed.
It takes more strength to acknowledge there is room to grow then it does to “be strong.”
Sometimes, it is hard to imagine things can ever be better. That is a good time to wonder :
Do I Have Depression?
Please remember, the information on this website is not intended to be medical advice or diagnosis any mental health or medical condition. Please see a Licensed Psychologist to better understand your symptoms.
- Anxiety
- Apathy
- General Discontent
- Guilt
- Hopelessness
- Loss of interest or pleasure in activities (including sex drive)
- Mood Swings
- Sadness
- Agitation
- Excess Sleepiness
- Insomnia
- Restless Sleep
- Excessive Hunger
- Fatigue
- Loss of Appetite
- Lack of Concentration
- Slowed Movements
- Thoughts ranging from “escaping” or “not being here” to suicide.
- Weight Gain
- Weigh Loss
Depression Makes Things Worse
It does not just feel like everything is worse when you are depressed. Depression actually appears to causes a lot of other health problems these include increased cortisol1, 2, 3 which raises blood sugar. Depression is also known to increase inflammation.
In Sarasota and Venice, FL there are a lot of people who have chronic arthritis, inflammation and as a result depression.
When you hurt it is hard to do what you enjoy. When we hurt and are not doing what we enjoy it is easy to begin to feel depressed.
Together with other factors, depression may increase chances of a stroke, heart attack, diabetes, osteoporosis, and cancer.1, 2, 3, 4 Further, depression has been associated with a 200% increased chance of having a stroke before age 50.
It is clear, depression is serious. Depression also is known to cycle, typically lasting no longer then 12 months, even without treatment. Since depression can take so much, even the belief that things can get better, EARLY, PROFESSIONAL depression treatment with a licensed mental health professional is very highly recommended.
Treatments for Depression
Depression treatment should begin as soon as possible. The longer the depression goes on, the greater the risk for complications such as, health risk, damaged relationships at work and home, decreased performance at work and home, ect.
There are a number of very effective empirically proven treatments for depression!
Change is possible!
Depression Self-help 1, 2
Self-help is effective in treating Depression. However, we do not suggest self-help over meeting with a psychologist or other licensed mental health provider for a proper diagnosis.
Physical exercise and some self-help books have been scientifically found to be effective. There is also evidence of people trying things on their own without success or even making things worse by receiving bad advice from unproven methods presented in many self-help books.
CBT and Psychodynamic Therapy
Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is quite effective, in fact, CBT has been shown to be as effective as taking prescription medications for depression. CBT has very few side effects. Those tend to be tolerable such noticing yourself doing or thinking things that make things worse more frequently. This increased awareness can be frustrating, early in treatment. CBT is not the magic bullet or a quick fix. It will take effort and regular “training” over time. Like exercise, it can be uncomfortable getting started. But it is worth it in the long run!
When working with CBT you examine how your thoughts, feelings,. and emotions are connected. CBT helps you become more aware of unhelpful patterns, as they happen. You will also work to replace the old patterns with new ones.
Antidepressant Medications

Many studies have found that antidepressants and individual therapy, together, are more effective then the sum of their parts, if each was administered separately.
However, it appears that antidepressants are most effective with severe depression. So consulting with a prescribing physician, such as a Psychiatrist or ARNP, is a very good idea if you have a depression diagnosis. You can at least ask what they think and hear the rational for an antidepressant given the intensity of your symptoms and risk for side effects.
If one of our providers believes you may benefit from a medication evaluation, they will refer you to one of the great providers who manage medication for depression in the Sarasota and Venice, FL area.