Psychological Testing

We offer comprehensive psychological and neuropsychological testing. 

Preoperative Evaluations

These evaluations are frequently used before implanting nerve stimulators or for other pain management procedures. We also bariatric pre-op evaluations. 

Gifted Testing

We offer IQ testing for individuals of all ages. Many times these tests are need to receive gifted education. We frequently use tests accepted by Sarasota County Schools including the: Woodcock-Johnson measures, Wechsler Intelligence Scales, Wechsler Individual Achievement Test. 

An area of particular interest for Dr. Davenport, is working with individuals who are gifted in Individual Therapy to help them thrive and overcome some of the challenges of being gifted across the lifespan.

Learning Disorder Testing

If you  know or are a student who is struggling academically, you may benefit from a educational evaluation. When a student has a significant discrepancy between their academic performance and their intellectual ability we consider the possibility of a Learning Disorder. You do not have to be getting poor grades to have a learning disorder. Many individuals with learning disorders find they are bored at school or have difficulty engaging in tasks that weigh on their area of discrepancy. The benefit of knowing how you learn, and developing strategies to compensate far outweighs the time it takes to do the testing.

An area of particular interest for Dr. Davenport, is working with individuals who are learning disabled in Individual Therapy to help them thrive and overcome some of the challenges of having discrepant skills throughout life.

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD/ADD)

This has been a common diagnosis in past years. We hear “doesn’t everyone have adhd these days?” Well, no not at all! We may like to multitask and think of a lot a once. That is not ADHD. ADHD is a neurological disorder which requires careful evaluation of current and past history to properly diagnose.  For this reason ADHD can become an easy catch-all diagnosis.

There can be many reasons someone has difficulty concentrating and paying attention. To make a good diagnosis we must first be rule all of these out. Some problems that may look like ADHD are, lyme disease, anxiety, trauma, fatigue, poor nutrition, hypothyroidism, lack of sleep,  stress, family conflict, depression, lack of academic stimulation, undiagnosed gifted intellect, and learning disorders.

Dementia Evaluations

Dementia is something many people worry about and don’t really want to think about. However, knowing how your memory is functioning can help you live your best quality life. Having an evaluation of your memory once and evaluating it again a  few years later can provide valuable information about how your cognitive abilities are changing  and can identify any dementing process before it progresses further. If you have problems with your memory testing can help us develop interventions specifically for your needs and strengths.

Which Tests are used?

Psychological testing

Contact Davenport Psychology

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