How to get the Most out of Time off Over the Holidays

The holiday season is a time for celebration, relaxation, and spending quality time with loved ones. However, it can also be a stressful time for many, with the added pressure of holiday planning, gift shopping, and managing time off from work.

In this article, we’ll explore some tips and tricks for making the most out of your time off over the holidays, so you can truly enjoy this special time of year.

Holiday Planning: Start Early

Holiday planning

One of the best ways to ensure a stress-free holiday season is to start planning early. This means making a list of all the tasks you need to complete, such as gift shopping, meal planning, and travel arrangements.

By starting early, you can avoid the last-minute rush and have more time to enjoy the holiday season. Plus, you’ll have a better chance of finding deals and discounts on gifts and travel arrangements.

Set a Budget

Before you start your holiday planning, it’s important to set a budget. This will help you avoid overspending and the stress that comes with it. Make a list of all the people you need to buy gifts for and set a budget for each person.

You can also set a budget for other holiday expenses, such as decorations, food, and travel. Stick to your budget and avoid the temptation to overspend, as this can lead to financial stress and anxiety.

Time Management During Holidays: Prioritize and Delegate

With so much to do during the holiday season, it’s important to prioritize your tasks and delegate when possible. This will help you manage your time more effectively and reduce stress.

Make a To-Do List

Holiday to-do list

Start by making a to-do list of all the tasks you need to complete. Then, prioritize the most important tasks and tackle them first. This will help you stay organized and focused, and ensure that the most important tasks get done.

Delegate Tasks

Don’t be afraid to ask for help during the holiday season. Delegate tasks to family members or friends, such as cooking, cleaning, or gift wrapping. This will not only help you manage your time better, but it will also give others a chance to contribute and feel involved in the holiday preparations.

Time Management Hacks: Plan for Downtime

While it’s important to stay on top of your holiday planning and tasks, it’s also crucial to plan for downtime. This will give you a chance to relax and recharge, so you can fully enjoy the holiday season.

Schedule Breaks

Holiday break

Schedule breaks throughout your day to rest and recharge. This could be as simple as taking a short walk, reading a book, or listening to music. By taking breaks, you’ll be more productive and focused when you return to your tasks.

Set Boundaries

It’s important to set boundaries during the holiday season, especially if you’re working from home. Let your colleagues and clients know when you’ll be taking time off and stick to those boundaries. This will help you avoid burnout and ensure that you have time to relax and enjoy the holidays.

Make Time for Self-Care

Amidst all the holiday planning and tasks, it’s important to make time for self-care. This will help you manage stress and stay healthy during the busy holiday season.

Get Enough Sleep

Holiday sleep

Make sure to get enough sleep during the holiday season. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, irritability, and decreased productivity. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to feel well-rested and energized.

Stay Active

Don’t let the holiday season be an excuse to skip your workouts. Regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve your mood. Make time for physical activity, whether it’s going for a walk, attending a fitness class, or doing an at-home workout.

Practice Mindfulness

The holiday season can be overwhelming, but practicing mindfulness can help you stay present and reduce stress. Take a few minutes each day to meditate, practice deep breathing, or simply focus on the present moment. This will help you stay calm and centered during the busy holiday season.

Take a Digital Detox

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant stream of emails, notifications, and social media updates. However, taking a break from technology can do wonders for your mental health and help you fully enjoy your time off over the holidays.

Set Boundaries

Digital detox

Set boundaries for yourself when it comes to technology. This could mean turning off your phone during certain times of the day or designating specific times to check emails and social media. Stick to these boundaries and enjoy the benefits of a digital detox.

Plan Activities That Don’t Involve Technology

Make a conscious effort to plan activities that don’t involve technology. This could be playing board games, going for a hike, or simply spending quality time with loved ones. Not only will this help you disconnect from technology, but it will also create meaningful memories and experiences.

Reflect and Set Goals for the New Year

The holiday season is a great time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the new year. Take some time to think about your accomplishments, challenges, and areas for improvement. Then, set realistic and achievable goals for the upcoming year.

Write in a Journal

Holiday journal

Writing in a journal can be a therapeutic way to reflect on the past year and set goals for the new year. Take some time each day to write down your thoughts, feelings, and goals. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the year.

Share Your Goals with Loved Ones

Share your goals with loved ones and ask for their support and accountability. This will not only help you stay on track, but it will also strengthen your relationships and create a sense of community.


The holiday season is a time for celebration, relaxation, and spending quality time with loved ones. By starting your holiday planning early, prioritizing and delegating tasks, and making time for self-care and reflection, you can make the most out of your time off over the holidays. Remember to set boundaries, take breaks, and enjoy the present moment. Happy holidays!

The Line Between Healthy and Unhealthy Screen Time Usage

Most of us are opposed to allowing children to spend long periods watching TV or playing smartphone games.

Common sense dictates that a lot’s screen time cannot be suitable for developing children and that limits should be set, but where do we recognize the difference?

We would not hesitate to safeguard our children from screen addiction, laziness, and the possibility of antisocial behavior as adults. Still, we must recognize that we are not immune to such issues.

Too much screen time is a problem for adults, just as it is for children, and we may be more vulnerable to screen obsession than we realize.

What Does Too Much Screen Time Do to you?

  • You get less sleep
sleepless using his mobile phone and getting more screen time

Too much screen time makes it difficult to fall asleep at bedtime. According to studies, Singapore is one of the most sleep-deprived countries, with millennials being the main contributors.

The blue light from your devices disturbs your melatonin levels, causing you to stay awake for more extended periods. In addition, the cerebral stimulation provided by analyzing web content keeps your brain active — far too alert to sleep.

  • Your mental health suffers
too much screen time is not as good as nature.

Perhaps it’s a lack of adequate socialization when you engage in social media rather than hanging out with real people. Maybe spending long hours alone with no companion other than a screen exacerbates feelings of loneliness.

Whatever the cause, studies have revealed associations between internet addiction and signs of depressive illnesses such as anxiety and depression. In addition, people who spend more time on digital gadgets have poorer self-esteem, which leads to decreased life satisfaction.

  • Other unhealthy addictions are exacerbated
faceless woman with pill in teeth and nose piercing

It’s easy to place the majority of the blame for internet and screen addiction on social media.

However, one of the reasons individuals spend so much time on their gadgets is that the internet promotes the transaction of other compulsive hobbies like gaming, shopping, and gambling. Therefore, a lack of self-control regarding screen usage will only worsen.

Adults who spend way too much time in front of a screen are at risk of anxiety and depression. Concerns with kids center on the fact that their brains are still growing and how excessive screen time may damage development.

While this concern does not apply to adults, screen time has a distinct impact on the elderly.

It lowers our productivity and hinders our ability to live fulfilling lives. So whether your screen addiction is moderate or severe, it’s time to fight back and limit the time you spend on your gadgets.

How Do You Reduce The Adverse Effects of Too Much Screen time?

too much screen time treatment

Working long hours in front of a computer screen is unavoidable, but you don’t have to bear the full brunt of the repercussions.

Some of the negative impacts of sleeplessness, stress, and ill health can be alleviated by making the following lifestyle changes:

  • Practice proper sleep hygiene to help yourself sleep better

Maintaining a regular nighttime routine and making your bedroom a sleep-friendly environment are two essential habits to develop to have good sleep hygiene.

If you want to sleep better, the essential thing to remember is to avoid allowing your digital gadgets to interfere with your sleep pattern (even if this is a habit).

  • Have more real-life social interactions

 It’s tempting to spend mealtimes watching TV or scrolling through your social media feed, but set that aside and make meals an occasion for actual family or friend face-time. Talking with others will make the virtual world appear more remote and help you focus on what is real.

  • Adopt a more active lifestyle
activity help us feel better

To combat the adverse effects of too much screen time on your fitness levels, you may change your lifestyle and become more physically active.

Take a walk to stretch your legs and move about between bouts of work. Simple and modest physical activity can help relieve stress and battle mental problems.

Try to add some basic workouts into your weekly schedule as much as possible. Find some activities that fit your lifestyle and that you genuinely love – you may investigate them and obtain advice on whether the activities are a long-term fit for your lifestyle.

  • Reduce your screen time

Set several alarms to go off at particular intervals to remind yourself to relax and look away from the computer if you have problems reminding yourself when to take a break.

Allow your gaze to wander away from the screen at least every 30 minutes. Then, every 2-3 hours, go for a stroll. 

Also, please don’t use your phone or computer while eating because it disrupts digestion and may develop into a poor habit that fuels the addiction problem. The same is true if you take your phone to the bathroom!

Conclusively, adults and children experience negative repercussions from excessive screen time, but there is a significant distinction.

a woman laughing with her child

Children don’t understand why they have to quit; all they want to do is have fun. However, adults can reflect on their activities and determine whether they spend a lot of time on their gadgets.

We also can reduce our screen time and make lifestyle adjustments to help us achieve our goals. However, the buck stops with us as adults. Thus it’s up to us to set a good example and not pass on such dangerous habits to the next generation!