What it means to be a transgender in Florida right now

Being transgender in Florida can be a challenging experience, as the state has a complicated history with transgender rights. While there have been some positive developments in recent years, there is still a long way to go in terms of equality and protection for transgender individuals. In this article, we will explore the current state of transgender rights in Florida and what it means to be transgender in the state right now.

The Current State of Transgender Rights in Florida

Florida’s Anti-Discrimination Laws

Transgender flag

Florida does not have any statewide laws that explicitly protect transgender individuals from discrimination. This means that in many areas of life, such as employment, housing, and public accommodations, transgender individuals can face discrimination without any legal recourse.

However, some cities and counties in Florida have passed their own anti-discrimination ordinances that include protections for transgender individuals. These include cities like Miami, Tampa, and Orlando, as well as counties like Broward and Palm Beach. While these local laws provide some protection, they are not comprehensive and do not cover the entire state.

Healthcare for Transgender Individuals

In 2019, Florida passed a law that prohibits healthcare providers from providing gender-affirming care to transgender minors. This means that healthcare providers can face disciplinary action if they provide hormone therapy, puberty blockers, or gender confirmation surgery to anyone under the age of 18.

This law has been met with significant backlash from the LGBTQ+ community and medical professionals, who argue that it puts transgender youth at risk and goes against established medical guidelines. As a result, there have been ongoing legal challenges to this law, and it is currently on hold while the courts decide its constitutionality.

Transgender Students in Schools

Florida does not have any statewide laws or policies that protect transgender students in schools. This means that transgender students can face discrimination and harassment from their peers and school staff without any legal protection.

In 2018, the Florida Department of Education released guidelines for schools on how to support transgender students, including allowing them to use the bathroom and participate in sports teams that align with their gender identity. However, these guidelines are not legally binding, and many schools in the state do not follow them.

Challenges Faced by Transgender Individuals in Florida

Discrimination and Harassment

Transgender person walking

As mentioned earlier, transgender individuals in Florida do not have comprehensive legal protection from discrimination. This means that they can face discrimination and harassment in many areas of life, including employment, housing, and public accommodations.

According to a 2015 survey by the National Center for Transgender Equality, 30% of transgender individuals in Florida reported experiencing discrimination in the workplace, and 22% reported being denied a home or apartment because of their gender identity.

Lack of Access to Healthcare

The 2019 law that prohibits healthcare providers from providing gender-affirming care to transgender minors has had a significant impact on the transgender community in Florida. Many transgender individuals, especially youth, rely on hormone therapy and other gender-affirming treatments to live authentically and alleviate gender dysphoria. Without access to these treatments, they may experience significant mental and emotional distress.

Bullying and Violence

Transgender individuals in Florida also face a high risk of bullying and violence. According to the same survey by the National Center for Transgender Equality, 39% of transgender individuals in Florida reported being verbally harassed, and 12% reported being physically attacked because of their gender identity.

This violence is not limited to the general public; transgender individuals are also at risk of violence from law enforcement. In 2018, Florida had the second-highest number of reported murders of transgender individuals in the United States.

Recent Developments in Transgender Rights in Florida

The Equality Act

Equality Act logo

In 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Equality Act, a federal bill that would provide comprehensive protections for LGBTQ+ individuals, including transgender individuals, in areas such as employment, housing, and public accommodations. While this bill has not yet been passed by the Senate, it would have a significant impact on the rights of transgender individuals in Florida if it were to become law.

Local Anti-Discrimination Ordinances

As mentioned earlier, some cities and counties in Florida have passed their own anti-discrimination ordinances that include protections for transgender individuals. These local laws have been crucial in providing some protection for the transgender community in Florida, and there have been ongoing efforts to expand these protections to other areas of the state.

Legal Challenges to Discriminatory Laws

There have also been ongoing legal challenges to discriminatory laws in Florida, such as the 2019 law that prohibits healthcare providers from providing gender-affirming care to transgender minors. These legal challenges are essential in fighting for the rights of transgender individuals and pushing for more inclusive policies and laws in the state.

What Can Be Done to Support Transgender Rights in Florida?

Support Local Organizations

Transgender support group

There are many organizations in Florida that are working to support and advocate for transgender individuals. By supporting these organizations through donations or volunteering, you can help make a difference in the lives of transgender individuals in the state.

Educate Yourself and Others

One of the most important things you can do to support transgender rights in Florida is to educate yourself and others about the challenges faced by the transgender community. By understanding the issues and sharing this knowledge with others, you can help raise awareness and promote change.

Advocate for Inclusive Policies and Laws

You can also advocate for inclusive policies and laws in your community and at the state level. This can include contacting your local representatives, attending town hall meetings, and participating in rallies and protests.


Being transgender in Florida can be a difficult experience, as the state still has a long way to go in terms of equality and protection for transgender individuals. However, there have been some positive developments in recent years, and there are ongoing efforts to push for more inclusive policies and laws. By supporting local organizations, educating yourself and others, and advocating for change, you can help make a difference in the lives of transgender individuals in Florida.

The Surprising Benefits of Individual Therapy for Your Mental Health

What is individual therapy? It’s no secret that life can be challenging.

Sometimes, it’s easy for us to feel overwhelmed and lost, especially when we’re faced with difficult situations. 

While talking to friends or family members can be helpful, there are times when therapy is what we need to navigate life’s challenges. 

That’s where individual therapy comes in.

Individual or personal therapy is a form of talk therapy that provides a safe and supportive environment to explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. 

With the help of a therapist, you can understand yourself and develop healthy coping skills to manage stress, anxiety, or depression.

It provides the support you need to prioritize your mental health and build a happier, healthier life.

In this article, I’ll be sharing the benefit of this kind of therapy to your mental health and general well-being. Why should you care about all this? 

The answer is simple – I’m sure you want a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. 

Benefits of Individual Therapy

1. Improved self-awareness and self-esteem

When a therapist starts a conversation with you, he gets to help you understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 

You’ll often get to share your past experiences and current challenges, which helps you understand why you did some of the things you did and what you could have done differently.  

As a result, people often experience increased self-esteem and self-awareness, which can lead to more fulfilling and satisfying lives.

2. Enhanced coping skills and resilience

You learn healthy coping skills through individual therapy to manage difficult emotions and situations. I’ve heard patients share how they eat voraciously when they are angry. 

Some often turn to alcohol and even drugs to ease these pains. But reality hits the next morning or a couple of hours again. 

A psychologist can teach you mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and cognitive restructuring skills to help you manage stress and anxiety

These can help you enhance resilience, bounce back from adversity, and maintain mental and emotional well-being.

3. Improved communication and interpersonal relationships

Sometimes our communication skills can be really awful, ruining relationships or leading to an unhappy home.

Individual therapy can also help you improve your communication and interpersonal skills. 

Psychologists teach effective communication strategies to help you identify and overcome communication barriers. 

4. Reduction in symptoms of mental health conditions

As I often say, a healthy mind is the ultimate mental health. With a safe and supportive environment, a therapist can help you manage those symptoms or triggers. Individual therapy can help with some mental health conditions. 

After a few sessions, you will experience a reduction in those triggers and an overall improvement in your mental health.

5. Increased self-care and self-compassion

With so much talk about self-care, it makes more sense if you start taking it seriously. 

A session with a therapist or psychologist can help you develop self-care and self-compassion practices. You’ll learn to prioritize your health, show kindness and understand your body. 

I’ve had some individuals who feel their life is a mess and call themselves a failure. Therapy can mitigate this negative self-talk and improve self-esteem.  

6. Reduced Couple Arguments

I’m positive you want a happy home, but how can that happen when you argue with your spouse now and then? 

Counseling can help couples develop better communication skills, improve conflict resolution abilities, and learn effective anger management techniques. 

Through counseling, you can become more aware of your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors and develop healthier ways to express yourself. 

For example, I’ve found that using “I-statements” to express feelings can help partners communicate their needs and wants without blaming or attacking the other person. 

You can strengthen your bond and overcome the most challenging obstacles without arguments. 

7. Increased sense of control and empowerment

Through individual therapy, you can develop greater control over your life.

This control helps you set realistic goals and develop action plans. You feel that increased sense of control that makes you feel confident.

8. Improved sleep and physical health

I know this sounds pale, but you can’t keep taking pills when you want to sleep. You need to let that stress go. 

Therapy helps reduce stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, which can have numerous health benefits. 

Free Photo of Person Holding Alarm Clock Stock Photo

Additionally, prioritizing your mental and emotional well-being makes you more likely to engage in a healthy life, such as regular exercise and a good diet.

9. Creativity and productivity

Individual therapy can also help you unveil the creative mindset you never knew was within you. 

After about four sessions, you’ll often experience increased clarity and focus, allowing you to take head on the situations that are staring right at you. 

10. The improved overall quality of life

Ultimately, individual therapy can profoundly impact your overall quality of life. Sooner than later, you’ll feel satisfied and fulfilled in certain areas of your life. 

Indeed, it doesn’t change overnight; you’ll begin to see good changes. Besides, you know what they say, good changes take some time. 


With all I’ve shared here, there are numerous benefits of Individual therapy for your mental health and overall well-being. 

It doesn’t matter whether you’re struggling with a specific mental health issue or seeking greater insight into yourself and your life experiences.

Therapy offers a safe and supportive environment to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 

Booking a session with a professional psychologist can help improve your mental well-being, boost your self-esteem, and gain greater control over your emotions and behaviors.

If you’re considering therapy, finding a therapist who is an excellent match for you and your needs is essential. 

Our doctors at Davenport Psychology will be delighted to have a session with you. Click here to book a session. Don’t hesitate to seek support – you deserve to live a happy, fulfilling life.

I hope this article helps you, and if you ever need to talk to a psychologist about stress, anxiety, depression, or even your marriage, you seek expert help by clicking here.


Tips To Stick to New Year’s Resolutions

Many of us make new year’s resolutions to become better versions of ourselves each year. But unfortunately, most of us quickly lose momentum and ultimately fail to keep our resolutions.

Why is this? Why do so many of us have trouble keeping to our New Year’s resolutions?

This article will discuss why we fail to keep our resolutions and discuss strategies to help us stay on track and reach our goals.

Why We Make Resolutions

Every year, many of us make resolutions to better ourselves and our lives. We vow to make changes to help us reach our goals and dreams but often find it difficult to stick with them. So why do we make resolutions in the first place?

For most of us, resolutions are a way to start fresh and progress toward something new. They can be small steps, such as making healthier choices, or large leaps, such as learning a new language or saving money.

Whatever our resolutions may be, they all stem from the same idea: a desire for improvement. Making resolutions gives us a sense of purpose and direction. It’s like setting a course for our lives.

It’s also a way of putting our hopes and dreams into words and actions that we can work towards. Making resolutions makes it easier to keep track of our goals and measure our progress over time.

On top of that, resolutions give us something to look forward to each year. They can act as motivation and a source of excitement for what lies ahead.

And at the end of each year, we can look back and see how far we have come. That can be a gratifying feeling, no matter what our resolutions are or how far we have come in reaching them.

The Psychology Behind Why We Fail

When it comes to our New Year’s resolutions, why do so many of us fail to stick to them? There are various psychological reasons why we might struggle to keep up with the changes we want.

One reason is that people often set too many resolutions or resolutions that are overly ambitious. When goals are too challenging or too numerous, it can be difficult for our brains to track them. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed and discouraged, which can be difficult to overcome.

Another reason people fail to stick to their resolutions is that they don’t have a plan for how to achieve them. Without a clear roadmap for how to move forward, it’s easy to get distracted or discouraged when obstacles arise.

Finally, people may fail to keep their resolutions because they don’t have the necessary motivation to stay on track. Finding the energy and willpower needed to achieve your goals can be hard without motivation.

However, even if resolutions don’t always stick, that doesn’t mean they aren’t worthwhile to make. According to research, people who planned to set New Year’s resolutions were more confident about the future.

So, what can you do to increase your chances of keeping your next resolution?

The following tips may assist you in beating the odds:

1. Be honest with yourself

One of the biggest reasons New Year’s resolutions often fail is that we set unrealistic goals or attempt to change too many things at once.

So first, it’s important, to be honest about what you can do and how much time you have to devote to your resolution. Then, making a plan of action will help you create achievable goals that you can focus on.

Consider your end goal and ask yourself if it is something you are truly ready and willing to commit to. Break down the task into manageable steps, such as writing down a list of things you need to do each week or month to reach your goal.

Don’t set yourself up for failure by taking on too much too soon. Make small, achievable goals along the way, and don’t be afraid to adjust or reset your plan when necessary.

2. Concentrate on just one thing

One of the most common reasons New Year’s resolutions fail is that we often try to take on too much at once. We feel a rush of enthusiasm and make a long list of changes that we want to make all at once. Unfortunately, this often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and unable to keep up with all the new commitments we’ve made.

Instead, it’s better to focus on just one thing and make that your priority. For example, choose one area of your life you would like to change and focus your energy on. Then, whether it’s eating healthier, getting more exercise, spending less time on social media, or anything else, make it your number one priority and give it your full attention.

You don’t need to completely overhaul your life all at once. Instead, start with small changes, like cutting down on junk food or walking daily. Make sure these changes fit into your lifestyle so they’re sustainable, and you’ll be more likely to stick with them. Once you start seeing progress and success in this area, you can gradually start making more changes in other areas of your life.

3. Make SMART goals

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, it’s important to set yourself up for success with SMART goals. SMART stands for

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

This means that you should be specific in the goals you set out to achieve, measure your progress throughout the year, make sure the goals are attainable and relevant to you and set a timeline for when you want to achieve each goal.

For example, instead of saying, “I want to lose weight,” you could say, “I want to lose 20 pounds by June 1st by eating healthier foods and exercising for 30 minutes four days a week.” Setting realistic expectations for yourself is key to staying on track.

4. Arrange your environment for success

One of the best ways to ensure you’re successful in meeting your new year’s resolution is to create an environment that encourages and supports your goals.

This means eliminating or reducing temptations to backsliding and maximizing cues and reminders that support the behavior you’re trying to achieve.

For example, if you’ve decided to exercise regularly, set yourself up for success by making sure the exercise equipment you need is easily accessible and in plain sight so that you’re reminded to use it. You can also plan to attend classes at the gym or hire a trainer to help keep you accountable.

5. Chart your progress

It is important to track your progress and make sure you are staying on track. Keeping a journal or charting progress on a calendar can help remind you of where you want to go and how far you have come.

When you start to feel discouraged, referring to your chart can show that you are progressing.

6. Hold yourself accountable

One of the most important parts of sticking to a New Year’s resolution is holding yourself accountable. You must be honest with yourself and acknowledge your successes and failures.

Instead of beating yourself up for not meeting your goal, you should evaluate your progress and find areas for improvement. Then, you can track your progress, set deadlines, and reward yourself for achieving milestones.


Coping With Difficult Family Members – Davenportpsychology.com

We all have them—the difficult family members who can be a source of stress, anxiety or tension.

Whether it’s a sibling, parent, grandparent, cousin, or in-law, dealing with difficult family members can be challenging.

But it’s important to remember that there are steps you can take to make the situation more manageable.

In this article, I will discuss seven (7) tips for dealing with difficult family members.

Don’t try to change them

Trying to change difficult family members might be appealing. You might be frustrated by their actions or think you have the perfect solution for how they should act or behave.

But in reality, it’s impossible to change someone else. It is ultimately up to that person to make changes, no matter how much you love them or how hard you try.

Instead of trying to change them, it’s better to focus on understanding them. Listen when they’re talking and try to see things from their perspective.

Showing empathy and compassion can go a long way toward building a stronger relationship with that person. It won’t always be easy, but you can get through it with patience and understanding.

Set boundaries

Setting boundaries with difficult family members is one of the most important steps in managing your relationship with them. You set boundaries with your family members to protect your personal space, time, and energy.

In addition, establishing boundaries can help prevent future conflict and make it easier to manage existing issues. When setting boundaries, be clear and direct. You should explain what you will and will not tolerate from the other person.

It is also essential to express your expectations in a calm and non-confrontational manner. This will help the other person understand that you are serious about setting boundaries.

You should also be prepared for resistance from difficult family members. Don’t give in if the other person does not respect your boundaries.

Instead, reiterate your expectations calmly and firmly. It’s important to remember that setting boundaries are about protecting yourself, not trying to control the other person.

Finally, be prepared for the possibility that your boundaries may not be respected. If this happens, stay firm in your commitment to protecting yourself. Difficult family members may test your limits, but you don’t have to tolerate any behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Keep communication short and sweet

When dealing with difficult family members, it’s essential to keep communication as brief as possible. This can help you avoid getting drawn into arguments or prolonged conversations that can worsen the situation.

If you feel like the conversation is escalating, be prepared to end it abruptly. Make sure to be polite and firm in your decision. For example, you could say, “I understand what you are saying, but I think it would be best if we talked about this another time.”

Try not to give too much information in response to their questions. It’s okay to be brief and answer with just a few words. If the conversation is getting heated, remind yourself that it’s okay to take a break from it.

If you have to communicate with the family member via text or email, use short, concise sentences and don’t get into a back-and-forth argument. Instead of engaging in a lengthy discussion about the issue, simply state your position politely and then move on.

Avoid hot topics

Dealing with difficult family members can be emotionally taxing, so it’s important to avoid topics likely to cause a heated argument.

If you know, there’s a topic of conversation that tends to lead to an argument, avoid bringing it up. Instead, stick to neutral topics less likely to trigger an emotional reaction.

If someone brings up a hot topic you know is likely to result in an argument, try to steer the conversation away from it as quickly and politely as possible.

Don’t take their bait

It can be tempting to take the bait when a difficult family member says something to push your buttons or elicit a reaction.

But it is important to remember that this person is looking for a response, and if you give them one, they will likely continue to provoke you.

So instead of letting yourself get drawn into an argument or conflict, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you have a choice in how you respond.

Do your best to stay calm and focused on communicating your message without getting pulled into a battle of words. Don’t let the situation escalate by taking their bait; instead, focus on staying level-headed and finding a peaceful solution.

Remember, you can’t control them

One of the most crucial things to remember when dealing with difficult family members is that you cannot control them.

No matter how hard you try, you cannot change their behavior, thoughts, or feelings. You only have control over how you respond to them.

Therefore, when faced with difficult family members, it is important to remember that it is okay to distance yourself from them if needed.

Focus on the positive

In facing difficult family members, it is essential to focus on positivity. This may seem difficult, especially if there are many negative traits you are dealing with. Nonetheless, it is important to remember that these people are your family and that you love them.

Getting lost in the negative traits is easy, but focusing on the positives allows you to remain more level-headed when dealing with them.

Even if your family member has a lot of difficult traits, think of something they do well or something they have done for you in the past. These moments of positivity will help you stay grounded during stressful times.

Additionally, focusing on your family members’ positive aspects can help you relate to them better. Instead of seeing their difficulties as problems, look at them as an opportunity to build empathy and understanding.

By taking the time to understand where they are coming from and the reasons behind their difficult behavior, you can build a stronger relationship with them.

Finally, focusing on the positives helps maintain a sense of hope. By looking for the good in others and being optimistic about their potential to change, you can maintain healthy boundaries and keep a positive attitude toward your relationship with them.

I hope these tips help you and if you ever need to talk to a psychologist about stress, anxiety, depression or even about your marriage, you seek expert help by clicking here.

Got Anxiety? How Weightlifting can Help

How does weightlifting help with anxiety? Well, if you’ve never tried it before, then you’re in for a real treat. 

At some point or another, most people with anxiety will hear from well-meaning friends and family members that they need to relax or take it easy in order to manage their symptoms.

Unfortunately, this advice rarely works, and can make the situation much worse—especially if you have difficulty relaxing due to your stress levels.

While relaxation techniques can certainly be helpful at times, it’s important to remember that there are many different ways to effectively manage anxiety symptoms—weightlifting being one of them!

Weightlifting Exercises To Reduce Stress And Anxiety

A healthy mind has always been linked to physical fitness. Exercises like yoga, swimming, jogging, and other sports have been shown to help lower stress, anxiety, and even depression levels.

However, even though little has been said in favour of weightlifting, it remains one of the most popular workouts among gym goers.

This was the subject of a recent study that examined 16 previously completed studies involving more than 900 people and was published in the journal Sports Medicine.

According to findings, weightlifting training lessens anxiety symptoms in persons with and without pre-existing mental or anxiety disorders. In addition, the individuals’ anxiety levels significantly decreased, as is typically seen following medication or counseling.

So, if you’ve been having trouble managing your stress, we advise going to the gym and lifting some weights. Here are a few weight-training exercises that is use to release tension.

1. Medicine ball slams

Want to work off tension and pent-up resentment while exercising? Try your hand at medicine ball overhead slams. This powerful exercise helps you direct your rage into something constructive, tones your muscles, and burns calories.

2. Deadlifts

Any strength-training program should include deadlifts, and for a good reason. They aid in developing core stability, supporting the lower back, accelerating metabolism, and improving posture.

In addition, it is a challenging compound workout that is wonderful for the mind and demands intense mental attention.

3. Barbell power cleans

Power cleans is indeed impressive, as we can all agree. The powerful, full-body motions increase your strength and coordination and significantly raise your self-confidence.

Depending on your fitness level, you can begin with elemental power cleans, squat cleans, or clean and jerks.

4. Weighted HIIT drills

Combining HIIT exercise with weights is a fantastic approach to burning fat while gaining strength. In addition, it works well to relieve tension.

With 40 seconds of action and 20 seconds of rest, you may create a training routine incorporating sprints, goblet squats, weighted lunges, and push-ups.

5. Kettlebell circuits

Compound workouts that engage your entire body include kettlebell swings, squats, and presses.

These exercises may be a fantastic method to release tension and lower anxiety levels due to the explosive nature of the motions and the breath work you utilize to complete them.

Benefits of Weightlifting training for Mental Health

Improves Mood

In many ways, weightlifting exercise may elevate your mood. However, your attitude may be improved by committing to a goal, forming good habits, and following a schedule.

Strengthens Mind-Body Connection

Weightlifting training necessitates a solid mind-body connection since using huge weights carries some danger. Therefore, it’s vital to be conscious of how your body reacts.

Lowers Stress and Anxiety

By lowering your cortisol levels, weightlifting exercises can lessen tension and anxiety. Anxiety decreases when cortisol levels are reduced.

Furthermore, when we strength train, endorphins, the body’s “feel-good” chemicals, are released, which can help to lower cortisol levels and make you feel good after a workout.

Boosts Brain Health

Additionally, strengthening our brains through weightlifting can aid with memory and stave off cognitive degeneration. Strength exercise can increase your mental energy and attention while helping you feel more cognitively engaged.

Improves Relationship with Your Body

Some may view exercise as a means to make up for bad eating habits or as a technique to mould your body to fit a specific ideal. This sometimes entails attempting to seem thinner or reduce weight for some people.

In addition, an unhealthy connection with your body and exercise might result from concentrating on your looks.


Research on anxiety and depression frequently focuses on those who have clinically significant symptoms.

This makes sense, given that these people likely face a higher need to discover practical answers. However, people who are otherwise mentally healthy occasionally struggle with subclinical, mild anxiety or experience occasional bouts of anxiety.

Your mental health improves from weightlifting exercise. With regular practice, your disposition, self-assurance, and connection to your body may all improve.

Recognize how your thought patterns are being affected by your strength training routine so you can make the most of it.

If you have never exercised or trained for weightlifting, take action by getting in touch with us at Davenport Psychology before starting an exercise routine. They can aid you in making the decision that is best for you.

How Weightlifting can Help with Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting a significant number of adults in the last few years.

Medication and therapy are often used in combination when it comes to treating anxiety and panic disorders.

Still, many people may not realize that weightlifting can be one of their best allies in getting on top of their anxiety disorder.

Here’s how weightlifting can help ease anxiety.

Overcoming Stress Through Strength

Yoga is one of many activities that improve your mental health and well-being. There are a variety of psychological advantages to working out.

Feel-good endorphins will flood your body, elevating your mood and reducing anxiety.

Strength training also uses the yogic mindfulness approach since the intensity and attention of functional exercises make it challenging to let your mind wander from the here and now—less anxiety with more repetitions.

You’ll also be able to feel the change in your muscles after only one session because weight training produces benefits very immediately. This development is a huge confidence builder if you often avoid using weight machines because they appear daunting.

Weight lifting makes you happier because you can see your body getting more sculpted in the mirror, not because of weight on the scale. Empowerment like that is priceless.

Bid Farewell to Back Pain

Avoid engaging in any vigorous activity if you have chronic back discomfort. Building up your back muscles with Weightlifting and strengthening workouts will maintain your spine functioning usually.

Your risk of developing back strain may increase if you have weak back muscles, weak abdominal muscles, or bad posture. Long-term back discomfort can be reduced by concentrating on core strength.

Research published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science reveals that targeting the deep trunk muscles, which are used to stabilize the spine, will impact your capacity to treat persistent low back pain most.

In What Ways Does Exercising Reduce Stress?

Understanding how exercise helps with stress management is a good starting point. The intricate relationships between the body’s systems are the subject of an entire branch of sports science.

For example, exercise improves your body’s oxygen usage, enhances blood flow, and produces endorphins. These endorphins, also called “feel-good” chemicals, give cardio junkies the “runner’s high.”

This exercise program helps people feel good and offers a sense of stress release that weightlifters far less frequently experience.

The Benefits That Come With Weightlifting

Strength training has several recognized advantages that go above and beyond what you may anticipate. For instance, weight training frequently can increase strength and develop larger muscles.

However, it also assists in lowering cholesterol, easing anxiety symptoms, and maintaining better posture.

Anaerobic activity, such as weight training, uses shorter but more forceful motions than cardio. Anaerobic workouts break down glucose in the body without requiring oxygen, as the word “aerobic” literally translates as “without oxygen.”

It explains why you don’t hear about a “weightlifter’s high” since it differs from aerobic activities like running and swimming, which consume oxygen.

As a great way to channel anger and resentment into pushing oneself to lift greater weights and perform more repetitions, weightlifters may still find stress-relieving.

It does not, however, provide the same endorphin surge that exercise does. The capacity to channel tension into lifting greater weight is a critical component of the stress reduction offered by weight training, yet, only some can do it.

This is crucial in preventing the loss of muscle that comes with becoming older. Strength exercise can help you recover from injuries by extending your range of motion, enhancing your bone density, and exercising your muscles.

In addition, it can make routine functional tasks much more straightforward, such as lifting, crouching, or ascending stairs.

Its Effects on Mental Health

A subjective and one-of-a-kind experience can be had in how strength training improves you.

Numerous strategies exist for strength training to elevate your mood. Your mood may be improved by committing to a goal, forming good habits, and following a schedule.

Research demonstrates that for many people, strength exercise can help lessen other depressive symptoms. But, of course, you must consult with a mental health expert if you suffer signs of depression or any other mental health condition.

However, there are no drawbacks to engaging in strength training or other forms of exercise to alleviate symptoms. First, speak with your doctor to ensure that you can engage in the workout you want.

Even though several studies have demonstrated the advantages of exercise, especially strength training, for treating some mental health issues, it is crucial that you get therapy if you are having symptoms.

In addition, it would help if you never stopped taking any medicine or other recommended treatments without first talking to your healthcare professional.

Boosts the Mind-Body Connection

Strength training necessitates a solid mind-body connection since using big weights might be risky. Therefore, it’s vital to be conscious of how your body reacts.

If you exercise, let your body direct you—for example, by paying attention to your body’s cues regarding how much weight to lift and what actions feel good and what don’t.

Reduces Anxiety And Stress

By lowering your cortisol levels, strength exercise helps lessen stress and anxiety. Endorphins, the body’s “feel-good” chemicals, are released when we strength train, and they can assist in lowering cortisol levels and make you feel good after a workout.

A decreased anxiety can result from improved confidence and self-esteem brought on by enhanced talents. To make firm conclusions, further research is required.

Researchers also hypothesize that physiologic changes to the muscles and brain acted in concert to reduce anxiety sensations.

Enhances Connection to Your Body

Some may view exercise as a means to make up for bad eating habits or as a technique to mould your body to fit a specific ideal.

This sometimes entails attempting to seem thinner or reduce weight for some people.

In addition, an unhealthy connection with your body and exercise might result from concentrating on your looks.


Weightlifting can help with anxiety in numerous ways. First, it can help to release tension and build muscle, which can help to protect against anxiety-inducing injuries.

It can also help to improve confidence and self-esteem, which can be beneficial in reducing anxiety.

Additionally, weightlifting can help to reduce stress levels, which can also help to reduce anxiety.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, we strongly recommend you seek the expert help of a psychologist. We trust you’ve found this post helpful.

6 Ways to Cope with Holiday Burnout

Dr. Alejandro Sanchez

By Alejandro Sanchez, Psy.D., Provisional Psychologist Licensee- ‘Tis the season for joy and giving, but it is also the season for ensuring the house is clean, excessive spending, preparing large feasts, making sure you pick out the ‘right’ gift and planning endless holiday activities. While this season is meant to bring feelings of love and cheer, the holidays can also cause unwanted stress and low mood in a time intended for happiness—and we are here to inform you that feeling this way is perfectly normal. There are various reasons why the holiday season can be overwhelming for many.  

According to the American Psychological Association, 38% of participants surveyed reported their stress increased during the holiday season, which can lead to physical illness, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Some factors that negatively impacted the participants during the holiday season were lack of time, financial pressure, gift-giving, and family gatherings.  

However, there are ways to prevent holiday burnout and manage some of the increased stress of the holidays. We’ve identified everyday stressors this time of year and six helpful stress management strategies to address them.   

A helpful start is recognizing that unwanted build-up of stress and realizing that we have more control than we think.  

Plan accordingly.   

planning to avoid holiday stress.

Between family get-togethers, ugly Christmas sweater parties with friends, and white elephant gift exchanges with co-workers, it is natural to feel overwhelmed by the infinite pile of upcoming events. It would help if you planned what activities you could attend realistically without feeling like you’re spreading yourself too thin. If you’re hosting a holiday event, develop a to-do list to help you stay organized. Creating a budget and committing to it can also help you prepare for how much you can responsibly spend and avoid guilt for overspending this season.   

Establish healthy boundaries.   

Even if they are jolly and fun, holiday activities can create increased stress and leave us feeling overwhelmed rather than fulfilled. With holiday commitments, it is perfectly OK to kindly say ‘no’ now and again to some events. Be realistic about what you can handle and say no when it’s too much. Prioritize the most meaningful activities and commit to what you want to do. Recognizing your limits and establishing boundaries is an effective way to relieve some stress and prevent holiday burnout.   

Make healthy choices.   

woman with chips in hands

The holidays have an uncanny ability to ruin our healthy habits. Overdoing it on spiked eggnog and latkes during this time of year is expected. It is important not to judge yourself for indulging in holiday delicacies. However, be mindful that mixing a packed schedule with alcohol, sugary treats, and probably a lack of sleep might exacerbate anxiety and low mood for some. Gently limit how much sugar you eat and feed your body balanced food as much as possible. Be sure to schedule time for exercise and moving your body. Exercise is an effective and sustainable way to help your body process and release stress hormones.   

Engage in quiet time for yourself.   

During the holidays, it can be normal to forget your needs and engage in behaviors that aggravate your stress. Checking in with yourself and prioritizing when you can decompress and recuperate is crucial. Taking a nap or scheduling time to do things you enjoy allows us to engage in quiet time to reinvigorate. Read a book. Watch a film in your queue. Allow yourself to sit down for 10 minutes with a guided meditation app. Give yourself time to recover between holiday parties, travel schedules, work assignments, and gift shopping.  

Honor your routine.   

A great way to prevent additional holiday stress is to continue engaging in your regular daily routine. If a typical day starts with making yourself a double espresso and catching up on the morning news, keep it from your routine. If you exercise every day at a specific time, do not skip it. Routines are a simple but powerful way to help you stay focused and relaxed.   

Be present with the people you love.   

photo of happy family

Connection with our loved ones does not happen by osmosis. Our small and deliberate choices nurture deep relationships with the people around us. Even with all the unwanted stress, the holiday season can bring, it can still be an opportune time to connect with your loved ones and express gratitude with intention and purpose.   

Dr. Sanchez works with individuals and families to find better ways to resolve conflict and communicate better. Call Davenport Psychology today to schedule with Dr. Sanchez 941-702-2457.

From a Psychologist in Sarasota – Myths About Gifted Children

Dr. Charles Davenport, a licensed psychologist in Sarasota explains the various myths about gifted children so you don’t fall for the gifted label.

People often think that all gifted children are more intelligent than the average child their age or that they’re more creative or inventive than others. 

However, these are just a few myths about gifted children that aren’t true at all. Here are eight myths about gifted children and why they’re not true.

Gifted children will succeed in life no matter what 

It’s important to know that giftedness is not an indicator of success. Being gifted doesn’t mean a child will be successful, and being a successful adult doesn’t mean they were gifted. 

Psychological testing conducted by psychologists in Sarasota has revealed that many factors go into determining how someone turns out, including genetics, environment, and chance. As a result, plenty of successful adults weren’t considered gifted as kids. And plenty of gifted kids don’t end up doing anything noteworthy with their lives. 

Gifted children love school and get high grades

School is a good fit for some gifted kids, but not all of them. Some gifted kids struggle in school because they are bored or frustrated by their classes. Others are so smart that they finish their work quickly, leaving them with nothing to do in class. 

If a gifted child is struggling in school, there are often accommodations they can be given to help them avoid depression and succeed. But, often, these students need to find another way to learn.

Gifted children are good at everything they do  

Just because a child is gifted doesn’t mean they will succeed in every area of life. For example, some gifted kids struggle with social skills and might have trouble making friends. 

Others might be so focused on one area that they don’t develop other skills. So it’s essential to encourage your child to explore different areas and try new things, even if it means failing sometimes.

Gifted children have trouble socially at school fitting in  

Many gifted kids find it easy to make friends, but some struggle with social skills. If your child is having trouble making friends, they might need help learning how to interact with other kids. 

Sometimes, it can be helpful for gifted kids to spend time with other gifted kids to relate to and learn from each other. Parents also need to encourage their children to try new things and experience different types of people. It will help them develop a broader view of life and overall social skills. 

Gifted children tend to be more mature than other kids their age  

Giftedness is not a maturity level. While some gifted kids are responsible and serious, others are silly and playful. And while some gifted children like to play with toys designed for younger kids, others prefer to play with toys designed for older kids.

Unfortunately, there’s no way of knowing how your child will turn out based on their current behavior or interests. 

Gifted children are always well-behaved and compliant

Some gifted kids are very well-behaved, but others can be difficult. A child being smart doesn’t mean they will automatically do what you ask. It’s essential to set clear expectations for your child and consequences for not following directions.

If your child is struggling with obedience, it might help to find ways to make them more accountable for their actions or give them more freedom in exchange for good behavior. 

Innate curiosity causes them to be self-directed

Giftedness is not a personality trait. Just because a child is curious doesn’t mean they will automatically learn how to do things independently. Parents and teachers must guide gifted kids in learning new skills and understanding concepts. 

Sometimes, it can help if you let your child take an interest in something that interests you, too. Then, you can share your knowledge with them and help them develop their skills. 

All children are gifted  

Giftedness is not a trait that all kids have. If your child doesn’t love school or excel at everything they do doesn’t mean they aren’t smart. If you think your child is gifted, talk to them about their interests and strengths so you can find out more about what makes them tick. 

While some parents worry that their child isn’t intelligent enough, others fear their child is too clever for their good. Both situations can be stressful for parents and kids alike, but it’s important to remember that being gifted is a gift.


 As you can see, not all gifted children are alike. While some may share similar characteristics and interests, others have different personalities and preferences.

However, one thing that all gifted kids do have in common is a willingness to learn new things and explore their talents. For example, suppose your child is interested in learning more about their giftedness.

In that case, they can join a local gifted association or support parents of gifted children. Here, they can talk to people with similar interests and connect with people who share their struggles.

Are you looking for the best clinical psychologist in Sarasota, or perhaps you want to talk to a psychologist in Venice? Then, you can visit our offices in Venice or Sarasota for the best mental health care. 

5 Health Tips for Caregivers From a Psychologist

Anyone who’s been a caregiver knows how easy it is to take on too much and not give enough time and attention to rest and recover. This can quickly lead to stress, depression, and sometimes even anxiety.

When you’re caring for someone you love, it can be easy to get so caught up in taking care of others around you that you forget to care for yourself.

If this sounds like you, don’t worry; there are ways to help you put your own needs first while still helping your loved one out.

You’re taking care of someone else, leaving you with little time or energy to take care of yourself.

But, here are five tips from Dr. Charles Davenport, an experienced psychologist in Sarasota, Florida, that will help you avoid burnout and ensure you stay healthy as a caregiver.

1. Set Manageable Self-Care Goals

It can be challenging for caregivers to know when to shift gears. That’s why it’s crucial to set goals that work with your lifestyle and current challenges.

For example, if you’re a parent caring for an elderly parent while also taking care of your own family, one goal might be committing at least three nights each week to leaving early from work to be home in time for dinner with your children.

Over time, you may realize that it makes sense for family members or friends to help out more often to meet different self-care goals, but even small steps will help you achieve better overall health.

You might find it helpful to check in with yourself regularly by writing down your goals and evaluating your progress in a journal.

Individual therapy with a psychologist can also be of great help.

2. Rethink the Idea of Self-Care

There’s no manual for how much self-care is too much or too little. How you take care of yourself depends on the day, your health, and what your family needs from you.

In addition, there’s always a chance that if you’re not taking care of yourself well enough, it could become harder to help someone else at all (especially a loved one).

Sometimes self-care looks like resting. Other times it means taking the time you need to do something for yourself. If nothing else, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it, and don’t wait until it’s too late! 

Don’t let the idea of self-care as an afterthought stop you from doing what works best for your well-being.

3. Don’t Take Everything Too Serious ( Forgive Yourself)

There are always days when we feel overwhelmed by stress. When your family member is struggling with a disease, illness, or injury, it can be hard not to take those feelings personally. You worry that you’re somehow at fault for their suffering.

If you’re feeling guilty about things you can’t control, start by forgiving yourself for these moments of weakness. You are not responsible for someone else’s illness or injury.

Remind yourself that you are doing everything in your power to help and that there is nothing more you could do even if you wanted to.

Once you’ve forgiven yourself, forgive others: It can be difficult to find compassion for others when struggling with ourselves.

But, as a caregiver, it’s important to remember that other people may not understand what you’re going through.

They may not realize how much stress they’re adding or how their words or actions affect you. So be kind and forgiving towards them, too, knowing that they likely have good intentions but don’t know any better.

4. Take care of your health and happiness

It can be hard to remember what’s essential for your health and happiness as a caregiver. Like caring for someone else, you have obligations, but you also have needs.

It’s often a good idea to find ways to take care of your physical and mental health and nurture relationships with others who can offer support.

Both you and your loved one (or others in your life) must do all you can to stay happy and healthy!

Make out time for exercise. If there are ways for you to get out, go for a walk, or go on a run, try it.

Even if it doesn’t feel like it helps, remember that physical activity can benefit you. For example, taking a quick walk around your neighborhood is good for your body and mind.

5. Connect With Your Loved ones

Your loved ones are your support system, but sometimes it’s easy for us to forget that. Our responsibilities as a caregiver often result in us being focused on others so much that we can easily neglect our needs. This can easily lead to career stress if left unchecked for long.

Make sure you’re not only doing things for yourself but also prioritizing time with those who matter most. 

This can be a dinner or just a call once in a while. It’s easy to feel like we have little control over our lives when we are caregivers because so much is on our plate.

It can sometimes be a pain to stay motivated and connected when life has taken on such an unexpected role, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. 

Staying involved will help you remain connected with your family and friends even if they aren’t physically present. A simple way to do that is by following their activities online via social media.

Wrap up

No one is immune from caregiver burnout, but learning how to take care of yourself will help you survive and thrive as a caregiver.

It can help you take care of yourself by giving you an outlet for your frustrations and allowing you to be present in your loved one’s life as well.

Remember that taking care of yourself doesn’t mean neglecting your responsibilities. Instead, it means taking time to do things that nourish you to have more energy to devote to those who need it most.

And remember, you are not alone! So many caregivers feel overwhelmed or like they are struggling with burnout at some point during their journey; there is support available if you need it.

If you’re a caregiver living in Florida struggling with stress, depression, or your marriage, it is always better to seek help from local experts. You can reach out to a local psychologist in Sarasota, Florida.

You can also contact psychologists in Venice.

The Psychology of Summer Vacations from a Clinical Psychologist in Sarasota

Are you thinking about taking your next summer vacation? Well, here is what a clinical psychologist in Sarasota has to say before you pack your bags.

Summer vacation used to be the best part of the year because it meant no school, no responsibilities, and plenty of time to play outside with friends and family members. 

Unfortunately, our schedules have made it much more difficult to enjoy this time of year as much as we should, making it too easy to fall into a slump when the summer months finally arrive. 

You can take some significant steps to ensure that your vacation is as enjoyable as possible so that you can return feeling refreshed, relaxed, and rejuvenated instead of exhausted.

Visualize What You Want Before You Go  

When planning your summer vacation, it’s important to visualize what you want. Think about what you hope will happen during your time off and what activities you want to participate in. 

It may seem like a waste of time, but it can help ensure your realistic expectations. 

For example, if you dream about lying on a beach all day with a book in hand but realize that there aren’t any good beaches near you, it might be better for your mental health (and wallet) to plan an activity-filled trip instead.

Do something different each day  

Vacation helps your mental health

It’s easy to get stuck on vacation. To avoid that, try doing something new every day. It could be as simple as visiting a new restaurant or exploring a new part of town. 

The goal is to keep things interesting and make sure you’re not spending all your time on one activity (like spending the entire day playing soccer). If you’re traveling with others, try doing fun things for everyone. 

If you’re traveling alone, don’t feel like you have to do everything by yourself—make friends with other people who are also traveling alone.

Go someplace different each year 

If you’re planning on taking a summer vacation, it’s a good idea to try going somewhere new. You don’t have to go far—an hour or two away can make all the difference. 

The goal is that your vacation feels fresh and exciting, so you won’t feel like you’re doing exactly what you did last year.

Also, if you have kids, plan at least one trip where they aren’t allowed to bring their devices (or cut them off for a few hours). That way, they won’t be able to spend all their time playing games and watching movies on their phones.

Disconnect from work  

A clinical psychologist in Sarasota or anywhere in the world will tell you how crucial to disconnect while you’re on vacation. Not only will it help you feel more relaxed, but it can also help you stay away from your phone and computer for longer periods. 

If you’re worried about missing out on something at work, ensure someone else knows what’s going on and check in with them before leaving. 

You should also let your boss know that you won’t be checking email or voicemail while you’re gone—and, if possible, set up auto-responders so people know when they can expect a response.

Live in the moment and savor the experience

One of the best parts about summer vacations is that they don’t last forever. So, it’s important to enjoy every minute. So, instead of constantly thinking about what you must do when you get home, focus on what you’re doing right now. 

If you’re with friends or family, try not to think about work—and if you are thinking about work, try not to let it ruin your time off. Instead, use your vacation as an opportunity for relaxation and reflection. 

Use all of your vacation time  

It’s important to use all your vacation days, even if you don’t feel like you need them. Not only will it help keep you sane, but it can also help prevent burnout. You can quickly get burned out if you work full-time and have a lot going on outside of work. 

Taking a break from work is vital for both your physical and mental health. If you aren’t taking enough time off, that can lead to stress and other problems down the road.

Spend a lot of time resting 

It is essential to get enough sleep while you’re on vacation. It won’t only make you feel more rested, it can also help prevent jet lag. 

If you’re traveling somewhere new, try going to bed early and waking up early so your body can adjust (and, if possible, try not to drink too much alcohol). The goal is that when you return home, you won’t feel like a zombie.


Taking a vacation is vital for your mental health. It’s also good for your physical health and can help prevent career-stress

 and burnout. If you want the best out of your time off, try doing something new and spend less worrying about work. 

You should also ensure you’re getting enough sleep and using all your vacation days—even if you don’t feel like you need them. Finally, remember that vacations are fun, so try not to let work ruin them!

Are you looking for the best psychologists in Venice, or perhaps you want to talk to a clinical psychologist in Sarasota? Then, visit our office in Venice or Sarasota for the best mental health care.