The Importance of Men Mental Health: Addressing Common Challenges and Stigma

Today, we delve into a critical topic that affects everyone: mental health. Specifically, we will shed light on men’s mental health, an area often overlooked and stigmatized. Societal expectations for men to be strong and suppress their emotions contribute to the challenges men face when seeking treatment. In this blog post, we will explore the stigma surrounding men’s mental health, address the unique challenges they encounter, and provide guidance on supporting men’s mental well-being. Join us as we strive to break the barriers and promote a healthier approach to men’s mental health.

Understanding the Stigma?

Men’s mental health is burdened by both internal and external stigma. Internally, men may feel shame or embarrassment, causing them to internalize their struggles. Externally, bias, condemnation, and unfavorable beliefs from others contribute to the stigma. These factors often lead to low self-esteem, social withdrawal, and, in severe cases, depression and suicidal thoughts.

Addressing Men’s Mental Health Challenges

Supporting men’s mental health requires understanding their unique experiences and empowering them to speak openly about their emotions. Men are often taught to suppress their feelings, which makes it crucial to recognize behavioral changes that may indicate mental health issues. Persistent personality deviations, excessive anxiety or depression, increased substance use, and noticeable changes in sleeping and eating habits are signs that should not be ignored.

Encouraging and enabling men to speak openly and confidently about their mental health is one of the significant challenges in helping them handle it. During their lives, men are often taught to suppress their emotions and speak rationally. 

Therefore, it is always helpful to be knowledgeable about the warning signs and indications that a male in your life might be dealing with issues related to mental health. Simple behavioral changes are expected and usually do not cause immediate concern. 

Still, if they persist for a prolonged period (typically two to four weeks), they may indicate a mental health disorder. Here are a few visible indicators that you might be experiencing mental health problems:

Deviations from the norm in personality include the inability to handle minor issues and day-to-day tasks, mood swings, excessive anger, hostility, or aggressive behavior.

Feeling excessively anxious or depressed for an extended period, losing interest in hobbies or social activities they previously enjoyed or took part in.

Increasing alcohol and drug usage is starting to impact your personal and professional lives.

A discernible improvement in your capacity to reason coherently and express your ideas eloquently. Also, you appear exhausted and agitated due to your noticeably changing sleeping and eating habits.

How To Support Men’s Mental Health

To support men’s mental health effectively, it is important to:

Become better informed

Increase your knowledge about men’s mental health by reaching out to regional groups dedicated to men’s health.

Ask what you can do

Simply asking someone about their mental health can be a significant step toward providing the support they need.

Be there to listen

Create a safe space for men to express their challenges by actively listening without judgment.

Avoid blaming or judging:

Sympathy and understanding are crucial in helping men feel comfortable opening up and seeking help.

Guide the person to appropriate support

Encourage individuals to seek professional help from resources such as Employee and Family Assistance Programs (EFAP), support groups, counselors, or therapists.

Be optimistic and encouraging

Reassure men that their mental health struggles are not unique and that seeking help is a sign of strength

When to Seek Assistance?

If you notice significant changes in someone’s mood, work effort, weight, or if they exhibit signs of depression, anxiety, or physical symptoms, it is important to encourage them to seek professional help. Suggesting a consultation with a primary care physician or a specialist in substance use disorders can be a helpful first step.

Common Mental Health Conditions In Men


The characteristic of depression is a persistently down mood that makes it difficult to carry out daily tasks.

Women experience depression at a rate around twice as high as males. Yet compared to women, males are significantly less likely to seek therapy.

Anxiety disorders

Intense, uncontrollable sensations of fear and worry are symptoms of anxiety disorders. Depression frequently co-occurs with a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), the most prevalent kind.

Although women are twice as likely as men to experience GAD, males are less likely to seek therapy.


Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness in which a person does not perceive reality as it is.

Instead, they have delusions, hallucinations, and other manifestations of distorted thinking. Schizophrenia can significantly affect relationships and quality of life. 

Substance abuse

For most age groups, males are more likely than women to use or become addicted to illicit substances and alcohol. Also, they are more likely to need an ER visit and pass away from an overdose. 


Improving men’s mental health requires challenging the stigma surrounding mental health and encouraging men to prioritize their well-being. By raising awareness, providing information, and offering support, we can create a society where men feel comfortable seeking help and enjoying happier, healthier lives.

If you or someone you know is in Venice or Sarasota Florida, click here to connect with a licensed psychologist and take the first step towards mental well-being.

10 Ways to Keep Your Partner Interested

Have you ever found yourself thinking about how to keep your partner interested in you and your relationship?

It’s normal to want to keep the spark alive, which we all think about at some point in our relationships. 

I remember when my partner and I first started dating, everything was new and exciting. 

But as time went by, I realized that I needed to put in the effort to keep the fire burning.

I learned that little things such as showing interest in their hobbies, planning surprise romantic dates, and always making time for each other could make a big difference. 

In this article, I’ll share with you 10 effective ways to keep your partner interested and keep the flames of your relationship burning bright.

 Let’s dive in!

1. Show Interest in Their Interests

One of the practical ways to keep your partner interested is to show an interest in their interests.

Take the time to ask them about their hobbies, passions, and what they enjoy doing.

Not only will it make them feel appreciated and valued, but it will also allow you to bond over shared interests. 

2. Communicate Openly

Communication is key to any successful relationship. Always keep communication open with your spouse, and be willing to listen to their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. 

Expressing your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly can also help to build trust and intimacy in the relationship.

It’s important to create a safe space for you to express yourselves freely without fearing judgment. If the both of you are having struggles with communication you could try couple therapy

3. Be Supportive

Another effective way to keep your partner interested is to support their goals and dreams.

Show them that you believe in them and are willing to stand by them through thick and thin. This will help to strengthen your relationship and create a sense of shared purpose.

It could be as simple as listening to them talk about their goals and aspirations or something as big as supporting them to pursue their dream job or career.

4. Be Honest and Transparent

Honesty is a key foundation of any strong relationship. Be honest with your partner about your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Avoid hiding things or keeping secrets, as this can damage trust and erode intimacy. 

Honesty builds trust and allows both partners to be on the same page. It also prevents small issues from turning into bigger problems.

5. Show Appreciation

Showing appreciation is one of the simplest and most effective ways to keep your partner interested.

Let your partner know you appreciate them for who they are and for all the little things they do for you. 

A heartfelt “thank you,” or a small gesture of appreciation will always go a long way in making your spouse feel loved and valued.

You could leave little notes or small gifts to show how much you appreciate them. It always puts a smile on their face and makes them feel special.

6. Keep The Romance Alive

As time goes by, it’s easy for the romance to fade away. But keeping the romance alive is essential to keeping your partner interested.

Plan romantic dates, surprise them with thoughtful gestures, and make an effort to keep the spark alive in your relationship. 

It’s important to keep the flame of romance burning. It could be as simple as cooking a special dinner together or planning a surprise weekend getaway.

7. Be Independent

It’s essential to have your interests and hobbies and not rely too heavily on your partner for validation or self-worth.

Maintaining a sense of independence will help to keep the relationship interesting and dynamic and will also help to prevent feelings of resentment or dependence. 

Having your passions, hobbies, and friends will give you something to discuss and share with your partner, making the relationship more dynamic and interesting.

Additionally, having your interests and hobbies will give you a sense of self-fulfillment and confidence, which can be attractive to your partner.

8. Keep the Mystery

Keeping a bit of mystery in the relationship can help keep things interesting. It doesn’t mean you have to keep secrets, but it’s important to maintain a sense of individuality. 

Share new experiences and maintain separate friendships so your partner will be more interested in knowing more about you.

This allows for a sense of discovery and excitement in the relationship. It keeps things fresh and engaging.

9. Grow Together

It’s important to grow together as individuals as well as a couple. Encourage each other to develop new skills, explore new interests, and strive for personal growth. 

This will help to keep the relationship dynamic and exciting and will also help to prevent feelings of stagnation or boredom. 

It’s important to have goals and aspirations individually and as a couple. This creates a sense of shared purpose and direction.

10. Always Make Time

Despite busy schedules, make sure to always make time for each other. It’s essential to prioritize your relationship and set aside quality time together. 

Whether a quick coffee break or a long weekend getaway, make time for each other and strengthen the connection.

A healthy relationship requires time, effort, and commitment. Making time for your partner shows that you value and prioritize the relationship.

This can also reduce loneliness, stress, depression or even sometimes anxiety.

Key Takeaway

Keeping your partner interested takes effort and commitment, but following these tips can keep the spark alive in your relationship. 

Remember that relationships are not about perfection but two individuals coming together, building, and growing together. 

It’s essential to constantly work on the relationship and make an effort to keep the spark alive.

Got Anxiety? How Weightlifting can Help

How does weightlifting help with anxiety? Well, if you’ve never tried it before, then you’re in for a real treat. 

At some point or another, most people with anxiety will hear from well-meaning friends and family members that they need to relax or take it easy in order to manage their symptoms.

Unfortunately, this advice rarely works, and can make the situation much worse—especially if you have difficulty relaxing due to your stress levels.

While relaxation techniques can certainly be helpful at times, it’s important to remember that there are many different ways to effectively manage anxiety symptoms—weightlifting being one of them!

Weightlifting Exercises To Reduce Stress And Anxiety

A healthy mind has always been linked to physical fitness. Exercises like yoga, swimming, jogging, and other sports have been shown to help lower stress, anxiety, and even depression levels.

However, even though little has been said in favour of weightlifting, it remains one of the most popular workouts among gym goers.

This was the subject of a recent study that examined 16 previously completed studies involving more than 900 people and was published in the journal Sports Medicine.

According to findings, weightlifting training lessens anxiety symptoms in persons with and without pre-existing mental or anxiety disorders. In addition, the individuals’ anxiety levels significantly decreased, as is typically seen following medication or counseling.

So, if you’ve been having trouble managing your stress, we advise going to the gym and lifting some weights. Here are a few weight-training exercises that is use to release tension.

1. Medicine ball slams

Want to work off tension and pent-up resentment while exercising? Try your hand at medicine ball overhead slams. This powerful exercise helps you direct your rage into something constructive, tones your muscles, and burns calories.

2. Deadlifts

Any strength-training program should include deadlifts, and for a good reason. They aid in developing core stability, supporting the lower back, accelerating metabolism, and improving posture.

In addition, it is a challenging compound workout that is wonderful for the mind and demands intense mental attention.

3. Barbell power cleans

Power cleans is indeed impressive, as we can all agree. The powerful, full-body motions increase your strength and coordination and significantly raise your self-confidence.

Depending on your fitness level, you can begin with elemental power cleans, squat cleans, or clean and jerks.

4. Weighted HIIT drills

Combining HIIT exercise with weights is a fantastic approach to burning fat while gaining strength. In addition, it works well to relieve tension.

With 40 seconds of action and 20 seconds of rest, you may create a training routine incorporating sprints, goblet squats, weighted lunges, and push-ups.

5. Kettlebell circuits

Compound workouts that engage your entire body include kettlebell swings, squats, and presses.

These exercises may be a fantastic method to release tension and lower anxiety levels due to the explosive nature of the motions and the breath work you utilize to complete them.

Benefits of Weightlifting training for Mental Health

Improves Mood

In many ways, weightlifting exercise may elevate your mood. However, your attitude may be improved by committing to a goal, forming good habits, and following a schedule.

Strengthens Mind-Body Connection

Weightlifting training necessitates a solid mind-body connection since using huge weights carries some danger. Therefore, it’s vital to be conscious of how your body reacts.

Lowers Stress and Anxiety

By lowering your cortisol levels, weightlifting exercises can lessen tension and anxiety. Anxiety decreases when cortisol levels are reduced.

Furthermore, when we strength train, endorphins, the body’s “feel-good” chemicals, are released, which can help to lower cortisol levels and make you feel good after a workout.

Boosts Brain Health

Additionally, strengthening our brains through weightlifting can aid with memory and stave off cognitive degeneration. Strength exercise can increase your mental energy and attention while helping you feel more cognitively engaged.

Improves Relationship with Your Body

Some may view exercise as a means to make up for bad eating habits or as a technique to mould your body to fit a specific ideal. This sometimes entails attempting to seem thinner or reduce weight for some people.

In addition, an unhealthy connection with your body and exercise might result from concentrating on your looks.


Research on anxiety and depression frequently focuses on those who have clinically significant symptoms.

This makes sense, given that these people likely face a higher need to discover practical answers. However, people who are otherwise mentally healthy occasionally struggle with subclinical, mild anxiety or experience occasional bouts of anxiety.

Your mental health improves from weightlifting exercise. With regular practice, your disposition, self-assurance, and connection to your body may all improve.

Recognize how your thought patterns are being affected by your strength training routine so you can make the most of it.

If you have never exercised or trained for weightlifting, take action by getting in touch with us at Davenport Psychology before starting an exercise routine. They can aid you in making the decision that is best for you.

Stress Management: Signs, Causes and Prevention –

Stress management is something we all have to learn if we want to live a healthy lifestyle. Stress can be caused by various things, from everyday stressors like work and bills to more significant life changes like moving or losing a job.

Regardless of your stressors, it’s important to remember that you are not alone in dealing with stress.

The good news is that there are strategies that you can use to help manage your stress and find peace.

In this post, we’ll walk you through the signs, causes and different ways to help you cope with the stress.

What is Stress?

Stress is a normal part of life and affects us differently. Stress can be defined as the physical, mental, and emotional responses to events or situations that are perceived as challenging or threatening.

Various factors, such as work burnout, relationships, money, health, and the environment, can cause it. Stress is a natural reaction to these events and can be either positive or negative, depending on how it is managed.

Positive stress can help motivate us to take action, stay focused, and perform at our best. Negative stress can lead to physical, mental and emotional exhaustion.

When too much stress is present, it can lead to anxiety, depression, insomnia, decreased immunity, digestive problems, and more.

The rate of stress

In recent years, the rate of stress in the world has skyrocketed. It’s become an epidemic, affecting millions of people around the globe.

According to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA), 60% of adults in the United States reported feeling overwhelmed by their stress levels in the past year, and 42% say their stress has increased since the start of the pandemic.

Stress can come from various sources, including work, finances, relationships, and family. This rapid stress rate has severe implications for our physical and mental health.

For example, the APA survey found that 33% of adults have experienced depression or anxiety due to increased stress. In comparison, 20% have had trouble sleeping, and 13% have experienced stress-related physical pain.

Additionally, research suggests that individuals with chronic stress are more likely to suffer from chronic illnesses such as heart disease and stroke.

The signs of stress

Stress affects us all differently, but there are common signs to look out for. A few of the most common physical signs include headaches, stomachaches, muscle tension, and fatigue.

Emotional signs can include irritability, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, and feeling overwhelmed. Cognitive signs can include difficulty making decisions, impaired judgment, racing thoughts, and feeling like you’re constantly in a fog.

Stress is not just an individual experience; it has become increasingly common in our modern world.

According to a recent survey from the American Psychological Association, 64% of adults report feeling significantly stressed by multiple stressors, including the pandemic and political climate.

In particular, over half of respondents reported feeling worried or anxious and lacking energy or motivation. Stress is a real problem in our society today, and understanding it can help promote our mental health.

What causes stress?

Stress can be caused by a variety of factors, both internal and external.

Some common sources of stress include:

Everyday life: Things like work, family, relationships, finances, and health issues can be sources of stress.

Traumatic events: Things like the death of a loved one, divorce, or a natural disaster can create stress.

Change: Any kind of change, whether welcome or unwelcome, can cause stress.

Lack of control: feeling powerless or out of control over one’s life can increase stress.

Many physical and psychological conditions can contribute to stress. These include depression, anxiety disorders, stress at work, eating disorders, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, sleep deprivation, and medical conditions like chronic pain or insomnia.

How to cope with stress

It is important to take time to develop strategies to cope with stress. Stress can be overwhelming and even debilitating if it is not managed properly.

Here are some tips for managing stress

1. Identify your triggers

Knowing what causes stress can help you better manage it. It may be helpful to make a list of situations that tend to lead to feelings of stress and anxiety.

2. Develop healthy coping mechanisms

Healthy coping mechanisms can help you manage your stress more flexibly. Examples of healthy coping mechanisms include deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, journaling, exercise, listening to music, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and receiving social support.

3. Change how you think

Cognitive restructuring can help change your thoughts about stressful situations. For example, if you start feeling overwhelmed by stress, remind yourself that this is only temporary and that things will eventually improve.

4. Avoid unhealthy habits

Unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs can worsen stress. Instead, find healthier ways to cope with stress, such as talking to friends or family or engaging in a hobby that brings you joy.

5. Talk to someone

Talking to someone you trust can help you process your feelings and find solutions to difficult problems. Talking to a mental health professional can also help if you feel overwhelmed by stress.

Prevention of stress

Stress can be overwhelming and hard to manage, but it can be prevented with the right tools and strategies.

Of course, prevention is the best cure, so here are a few tips to help you avoid or manage stress in your life:

1. Get enough sleep

Sleep deprivation is a major contributor to stress and anxiety. Ensure you get enough restful sleep every night—at least seven hours per night.

2. Exercise regularly

Exercise has been proven to reduce stress levels and help your body cope with the effects of stress. Aim for at least a few minutes of exercise daily.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an effective way to manage stress. It involves focusing on the present moment and accepting what’s happening without judgment. Many mindfulness apps can help you get started.

4. Avoid overloading yourself

Knowing your limits and how much you can handle before becoming overwhelmed is important. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask for it. Don’t try to achieve too much at once

5. Spend time with positive people

Surrounding yourself with positive people who make you feel good can help you cope with stress. Spending time with friends or family members who are supportive and understanding can be a great source of comfort during tough times.

6. Take breaks

Regular breaks throughout the day can help you stay calm and focused. Just five or ten minutes away from your work or whatever is causing your stress can allow you to relax and reset.

These are just a few tips for preventing stress, but by taking proactive steps to manage it, you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way.

10 Characteristics of A Successful Executive

When it comes to leading your company and being a successful executive, there are certain skills that you should strive to develop if you want to get ahead of the game. 

While there are several qualities of highly successful executives, these 10 stand out as some of the most important aspects of the job. 

Here are 10 characteristics of successful executives, so you can see what you may need to work on to ensure that you rise above your peers.

1. Self-motivation

The most successful people find motivation from within. Motivation is not always clear and may not be what others would define as happiness or success. You must find your motivations and do what works for you because success often comes to those most self-motivated. 

You are self-motivated when you can set your own goals, work without someone looking over your shoulder to see if you’re doing a good job and keep working no matter what happens. 

Truly successful people never quit when they encounter obstacles; they find a way around or through them and keep going. Self-motivated people never give up on themselves because they know the power that comes from commitment and persistence. They believe in their ability to accomplish anything.

2. Positive Attitude

Executives must have a positive attitude to stay motivated and keep the team motivated. Staying focused on what needs to be done, setting goals, and completing those goals with a positive mindset can help the rest of the team see how they should act to get the most out of their work. 

A positive attitude leads to success. When you can stay motivated and set goals while enjoying life along the way, you’ll notice that your career will blossom. 

An important skill for any executive is self-motivation and self-discipline, leading them to control their destiny rather than letting others dictate it. 

You may also want to study other successful executives such as John D Rockefeller, who built his empire from scratch through persistence despite many failures before he found success.

3. Expert Communicator

Communication is a crucial aspect of any successful executive. However, not all executives are natural-born communicators, often honing these skills throughout an executive career. 

Communication isn’t just about talking to people, though. To be a successful communicator, one must be a strong listener and adapt their communication style to fit the people they are communicating with.

Good communication skills go a long way. Effective executives can efficiently convey information, knowledge, and messages to the rest of the company. They are strong communicators and often use humor to get their points across.  

4. Good Time Management Skills

Managing time effectively can be a challenging task for many executives. There are many different methods and philosophies, but managing your time is ultimately up to you. 

Free Person Holding Brown Leather Book Stock Photo

How you plan your days and weeks can determine your success in your personal and professional life. These are some methods that successful executives use to make the most out of their day:

  1. Keep a reliable calendar (desktop, mobile, or paper). Highly successful executives don’t overbook themselves. Instead, they schedule everything they need to do daily at certain times. They know how long it takes them to complete tasks and will give themselves ample time to do them. 
  2. Use all available resources for getting things done quickly, including online calendars and phone apps.

5. Drive to Achieve Success

To be a successful leader, it’s important to maintain an undying sense of determination. No matter what life throws at you, it would help if you moved forward and never gave up on your goals and dreams. 

If you do that, you’ll always be seen as a winner by those around you.

6. Stays Positive in Stressful Situations

Focusing on things you can control is key to remaining positive in stressful situations. 

The sooner you shift your focus, the sooner you’ll be able to find creative solutions and feel better about the situation. Plus, staying positive will help you think more clearly and rationally.

7. Hardworking

To be a successful executive, you need to be hardworking and dedicated. Successful executives don’t give up when they come across an obstacle. If they are blocked in one direction, they will find another way. 

They push themselves and their teams hard enough to get the job done. It’s important for them never to stop pushing or striving to better themselves.

Successful executives don’t just think about short-term gains. Instead, they are constantly thinking about the future and the different possible paths that could lead there.

8. Works Effectively Under Pressure

Successful executives are the quintessential people who can work well under pressure. They can remain calm, stay focused, and not freak out, even when chaos surrounds them. 

Executive can see the problem and devise a way to fix it without letting their emotions get in the way. They don’t panic and do what needs to be done. 

They know that if they can remain calm while others around them are losing theirs, they will be successful as an executive.

9. Delegation of Tasks 

Different people have different skills, and successful executives know this. They know that delegating tasks is a great way to create balance in their lives, and it’s a crucial part of leading a team. 

When you are working on something yourself, you may not be able to see the big picture. In addition, when an executive has delegated tasks, they can concentrate on their strengths and take on more challenging projects.

10. Supportive

Many successful executives are focused on supporting the growth and success of those around them. 

Being team-oriented, generous with their time, eager to share their knowledge, and tenacious in achieving goals are just a few ways that highly successful executives help others reach their full potential.


Great leaders not only possess one or two of these qualities but many. What does this mean for you? To be a successful executive, work on developing these  characteristics or you can always get expert help through talk therapy about your career. 

If you’re already successful with six or seven of the ten qualities covered, the others are your opportunities for growth and development.


Why Paternity Leave May Be a Good Idea

Have you thought about taking a paternity leave? Becoming a new parent can be daunting, especially if you’re the primary caregiver or responsible for getting up in the middle of the night to tend to your child’s needs.

To take care of yourself and your family, it’s crucial to find ways to balance life before and after the baby arrives.

Studies have shown that dads who take paternity leave are happier than those who don’t, but many new fathers don’t know how to get the most out of their time off work.

Taking advantage of your paternity leave isn’t just an opportunity to bond with your baby. It can also have a positive impact on your physical and mental health.

Here are six ways you benefit from taking advantage of your company’s paternity leave policies.

You Become a Better Parent

Giving birth and having a child change everything about you as a person. Parenthood is an entirely natural experience for many, but it is not easy to navigate at first.

Most new parents worry about doing everything right, and some even have trouble bonding with their newborns in those first few weeks.

But it’s important to remember that every baby is different and what works for one may not work for another. The sooner you learn to accept that idea, the better your parenting journey will be.

Giving yourself time off after you welcome your new bundle of joy into your home will help to strengthen your bond with them—and allow you to reassess who you are as a parent before returning to work full-time.

Improve your mental health

The benefits of paternity leave are real, and it can help improve mental health. It helps reduce stress for new parents by allowing them to spend time with their newborn, even if it’s just for a few weeks.

There’s also evidence that men who take paternity leave have an easier time bonding with their children than fathers who don’t take advantage of these policies.

This is especially important since a father-child bond is associated with lower rates of behavioral problems in children and increased well-being in adults.

Finally, it can save money for families on healthcare and mental health treatments down the road.

Increased Happiness and Fulfillment

Paternity leave is as much about spending time with your newborn as it is about you. The American Psychological Association reveals that taking time off from work to bond with a child helps increase happiness and fulfillment. It also has positive effects on mothers, too.

Plus, parents are more likely to feel satisfied with their overall life when given paternity leave after birth. Plus, being at home with an infant will help your relationship become stronger.

So while you may worry that staying home isn’t good for your career or could hurt you professionally down the road (it’s OK if you do; many of us worry), take comfort in knowing that making sure your mental health is healthy now may pay off later.

Children Become Healthier

Stay-at-home dads, who often assume childcare responsibilities, positively affect children’s health.

Research shows that fathers whose care giving roles are either new or nontraditional tend to be more aware of their children’s development and needs. As a result, they adjust their parenting accordingly.

Parents are likely to get involved in child-focused activities such as reading and playtime. Studies also suggest that because stay-at-home dads are so engaged in their kids’ lives, they enjoy better physical and mental health.

As caregiving fathers become increasingly common in modern society, growing evidence suggests that parenting roles affect men just as much—if not more than—women.

It Comes With Financial Benefits

Fortunately, a little-known provision in FMLA allows eligible employees to use up to 12 weeks of their own paid leave. This is after welcoming a new child into their family.

It is an opportunity many fathers don’t know about. In addition, companies cover some of that pay during paternity leave as an incentive for fathers to participate.

Staying home with your new child is great, but it doesn’t pay any bills. You might even have to take time off work without pay.

Increase Productivity When Back At Work

Though you’ll undoubtedly miss your baby when you’re not with them, paternity leave can also make you more productive when you are back at work.

Taking 10 to 12 weeks of leave after a child is born can increase men’s productivity over their lifetime. That’s great if you asked me.

Men who took paternity leave increased their earnings by between 3% and 9%. So if there were ever a time to take advantage of parental benefits for parents, it would be now.


Contrary to what you might think, new parents who take paternity leave experience benefits that aren’t limited to their mental health.

These parents also feel more involved in day-to-day family life. They report higher levels of happiness and fulfillment at work

Paid paternity leave and all of its potential benefits has value for new parents and companies as a whole.

Giving parents adequate time off can ensure an easier transition into parenthood. It also keeps you happy and motivated at work.