Adult and Child ADHD Treatment

Many people with ADHD have the condition for a long time before they are diagnosed since it has been there all along. In many cases, people have a lot of symptoms in childhood. But the stress it adds to life, and the symptoms can change with age.

That’s just an example; you might still be just as hyperactive as when you were a child. However, your symptoms probably also affect your quality of life now, so managing them is important. 

There are difficulties in paying attention, controlling, and staying organized that can interfere with a person’s work, relationships, and self-esteem.

We have some excellent treatments. It treats kids with ADHD, but it also helps adults who have it. It is a combination of medicine, behavioral strategies, life skills training, and therapy for most people. This type of treatment is known as multimodal.

A helpful medicine when you were a child may work differently as an adult due to changes in your brain, body, and symptoms. Additionally, your skills to stay organized and manage your time might change. Finally, you may need treatment for other issues such as depression or anxiety.

To get the most from any treatment, knowing what ADHD affects you is helpful. For example, does it make it difficult to keep up with deadlines at work? If you struggle in relationships with your spouse or child, you should go for care specifically tailored to your needs. When you’ve experienced this phenomenon for a few days, you’ll be able to tell if it’s working.

Treatment for Adults

Drugs are an excellent treatment for ADHD, but what works at first may not be the best solution over time. Aside from many drugs being available for both children and adults with ADHD, clonidine, guanfacine, and modafinil are not heavily researched for adults and are not frequently prescribed for them.


Stimulants are usually the first treatment for ADHD, and they tend to work best. First, you start on a low dose and gradually increase it until you reach a dose that relieves your symptoms without too many side effects.

Many adults find that long-acting stimulants work best. They last for about 10-14 hours, so you only have to remember to take one or two pills each day.

Stimulants work, but they’re not for everyone. Some people don’t like the side effects. You may want to stay clear of stimulants if you have a condition like

  • Bipolar disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Blood pressure of 140 or higher
  • Severe weight loss due
  • Drug over use issues
  • Tourette’s syndrome


Non-stimulants are another option when stimulants are unavailable. This was the first non-stimulant drug approved just for ADHD. The full effects don’t occur as quickly as with stimulants, but some people find it quite helpful.

The standard procedure starts with a low dosage and raises it periodically to find the appropriate balance. Side effects are common with stimulants and may include difficulty with sleep, loss of sexual desire, and nausea.

Can Talk Therapy Help?

Talk therapy in Sarasota, FL and Venice, FL at Davenport Psychology | ADHD Treatment

Yes. Getting help from a therapist, you and your family can learn more about how ADHD affects people and the strategies to deal with its many consequences.

Two of the common types of talk therapy for ADHD are:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This teaches you to alter your thoughts and actions to feel more in control of your life. Talk therapy is used to help overcome many obstacles a person faces at school, at work, and in their relationships. It can also be used to address substance abuse and depression.

Marriage counseling and family therapy: You and your family members learn how to communicate better and identify issues that may cause problems. In addition, the counseling may help friends and family understand that it is not simply about being messy or forgetful.

Treatment for Children

child ADHD treatment

The AAP has determined that the best course of treatment for children under six who have ADHD is parent training in behavior management before they’re medicated.

For children six years of age and older, the American Academy of Pediatrics’s new guidelines recommend medications and therapy together — behavior therapy and parent training for kids up to age 12, and various forms of therapy and training for teenagers. Schools can be involved as well.

In a good treatment plan, close monitoring will determine whether the treatment benefits the child’s behavior and if changes need to be made.

Children Who are not Older Than Six Years of Age

For a young child with ADHD, behavior therapy is often the first line of treatment before drug intervention.

Parenting training for behavior management includes providing parents with the skills and strategies to help their children. Training in parenting behaviors can work and medication for children with ADHD.

Children of all ages can experience negative side effects when using ADHD medications, but those of younger children are more frequent. There has been a very little long-term study on the effects of ADHD medications on young children.

School-aged Children and Teens

school aged children with ADHD in Sarasota County Schools

The AAP recommends combining drug treatment with behavior therapy for children age six or older. The following types of behavior therapy are also effective

  • Specialized workshops on improving parenting in terms of behavior management.
  • Psychological interventions in the classroom.
  • Interventions, such as among peers, focus on behavior.
  • Facilitation and time management training.

Typically, it’s a good idea to try a few different approaches in therapy, as this could depend on the needs of the individual child and their family.

Tips for parents

ADHD tips for parents

Following are a few suggestions that may be helpful with your child’s behavior.

Follow a routine. Pick the same schedule each day, from when you wake up to when you go to bed. For example, encourage your child to put school bags, clothing, and toys in the same place every day so that they won’t lose them.

Keep distractions to a minimum. Turn off the TV, minimize noise, and create a tidy space when your child is doing homework. Some children with ADHD may perform better when moving or when the background noise is audible. Try to see what your child does best.

Limit choices. To prevent the child from feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated, offer a few choices instead of many. For example, tell them to pick out this outfit or that one, this meal or that one, or this toy.

Be clear and specific. Please communicate with your child by stating what you think and feel about what they said. As an example, please describe what you understand about the sentiment expressed in their statement.

Contact Davenport Psychology today for help with ADHD


Sarasota Office: 1608 Oak St. Sarasota, FL 34236

Venice Office: 200 Capri Isles Blvd. Ste 7G, Venice, FL

Grief: What Causes it and How Long Does it Last?

Grief is common among people who have experienced significant losses, whether it’s the death of a loved one or some other change or upheaval in your life. 

Grief symptoms include sadness, difficulty sleeping, crying, anxiety, and more. While these feelings are normal responses to what you’re going through, they can become overwhelming and prevent you from functioning normally in your daily life if they continue for too long. 

So how long do griefs last? Let’s explore that question in this article.

 The Science of Grief

The word grief comes from Middle English grievous, which means heavy. It originally meant physical pain, but now it usually refers to mental pain instead. The first known use of grief was around 1300 AD.

Grief is an emotional reaction that we all experience, yet there is no universal way to cope with it. Grieving is a personal, intimate process, which can range from a few days to months or even years. 

Grieving helps us accept our loss by allowing us to say goodbye in our way. In addition, our grief allows us to grieve over and celebrate someone we have lost.  

In Old English, griowan meant to suffer. In modern usage, grieving is often used interchangeably with mourning—which can mean feeling sad about something that has happened or preparing for something bad that will happen soon. 

But mourning also has religious connotations (such as observing a period after death), while grieving does not. 

Causes of Grief

causes of grief in Sarasota, FL

There are two main causes of grief, sudden loss and death. Sudden loss is what happens when someone dies unexpectedly. An expected death—say, from an illness—can still cause grief, but it can often be worse if you don’t have time to prepare for your loved one’s passing. 

The second cause of grief is losing something important in your life, such as a job or home. If you experience any major loss in your life, it’s normal to feel grief over that change. However, the length and intensity will vary depending on how significant the change is in your life.

Grief is also unique to each person; while there are general stages that people go through, they aren’t universal. You may not pass through all of them, or you may experience them differently than others do. 

Stages of Grief

Grief is different for everyone. But, because no two people are alike, there is no one-size-fits-all way to grieve. Instead, there are five stages of grief that many people go through when dealing with death or a similar loss. 

It’s important to know that you might experience these feelings in any order more than once if you feel it is necessary. The stages include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. If you find yourself stuck in one stage for an extended period (or even repeating a stage), seek help from a professional counselor or therapist. 

In general terms, denial is about avoiding reality as much as possible. Anger involves lashing out at others because you can’t control your emotions. 

Bargaining happens when you try to deal with God or another higher power to keep someone alive or bring them back. Depression occurs when you realize that what happened was final and there will be no going back. Acceptance means finally coming to terms with the death and accepting it as part of life.

One thing that makes grief so hard is how long it lasts—and how it can come up again unexpectedly at any time, even years later. It’sUnfortunately, it’s difficult to predict how long grief will last for any one person; everyone deals with loss differently.

How Long Will It Last?

How long does grief last.

You might wonder if you’ll ever get over grief. Grief usually begins to fade after a few weeks or months, but some people grieve for years. You may think that time heals all wounds, but grief never completely goes away for many people. 

Instead of becoming less intense, it changes over time as you adjust to life without your loved one.

Essentially, grief typically lasts between six months and four years. One study found that intense grief-related feelings peaked at about four to six months, then gradually declined over the next two years of observation.

There are various lengths of mourning periods among various cultures, but one year is the generally accepted period in the US. Unfortunately, this heartache will continue even after the mourning period has passed.

When Will I Start to Feel Better?

All feelings come in waves. Think of your grief as a boat floating out at sea. Each wave is a feeling; when you’re not fighting it, you’re riding it. The peaks are high, and the low points are low, but eventually, it will improve. 

Just remember that grief is a process—not an event or person—and accept that healing is different for everyone. It’s okay to feel angry, sad, frustrated, etc., but don’t let these emotions stop you from moving forward. You will always have both good and bad days, so try to focus on what you can do right now to feel better. 

You may want to reach out to friends and family who have been through similar experiences (or who have just been supportive) for advice on coping during their grieving process. 

Talk Therapy Can Help

According to a study, psychological therapy can help reduce grief symptoms. If you’re still experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety following bereavement, talking with a therapist can help you manage those issues. 

It’s important to work closely with your doctor when pursuing treatment for grief-related issues—and while it may take some time to see results, talk therapy is one of your best tools for finding peace. 

The American Psychological Association (APA) recommends cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which aims to improve thinking patterns that are detrimental to recovery. 

You may also find support groups helpful; studies show that group interventions are more effective than individual counseling at reducing depressive symptoms in people who have lost loved ones.

Wrap up

Others likely expect you to be completely healed in a few weeks or months. Do not be too hard on yourself. It takes time. It’s not uncommon for people to be hard on themselves, often feeling that they should be further along in the grieving process than they are. 

Every person grieves differently: there is no one-time frame for grief. Letting yourself grieve properly is the best way to move on. You’re not in this alone. Find out about available options through professional help and talk to your doctor.

Individual Therapy in Sarasota, FL: Find happiness and fulfillment in your “golden years”

Golden years individual therapy Sarasota, FL

Are you retired and feeling like something is missing? You’re not alone. Many retirees struggle with finding happiness and fulfillment in their “golden years.” That’s where Davenport Psychology comes in. We offer individual therapy and couples counseling to help you find what you’re looking for. Our psychologists are highly trained and here to help! Call us today at 941-702-2457 to get started.

Tips for the future:

1. Don’t think of your golden years as a time to slow down – think of them as a time to ramp up the fun!

2. Travel, explore, and see new things

3. Volunteer – giving back feels great!

4. Get involved in your community

5. Spend time with loved ones

6. Keep learning – there’s always something new to learn!

riding the wave of big changes

Big changes in life can be exciting and something we work toward for years. But sometimes when we reach retirement age, we can feel lost or like something is missing. This is perfectly normal! Many retirees struggle with finding happiness and fulfillment in their “golden years.” That’s where Davenport Psychology comes in. We offer individual therapy and couples counseling to help you find what you’re looking for. Our psychologists are highly trained and understand that retirement is not a one-size-fits all kind of thing. We work with each patient to understand what is meaningful and of value to them. We explore your dreams for your future and work to use your past strengths to help you formulate a plan for change moving forward.

The golden years are not just a time to wrap up things you have been doing for years, they are also a time of profound change, which also equates to a lot of new opportunities. Sometimes, having all of these opportunities can feel overwhelming. Even if we are “sure” we want “all” of this time and what it has to offer. With some guidance, we can increase the chance of it feeling like an opportunity rather than too much or a slowdown. Of course, unless we want a slowdown.

The increase in time can open the door to exploration. Not just within us, like about our dreams for the future, but also outside. We can travel abroad or go to those places we have always wanted to make it to but did not have the time. This can feel like a time of profound change, which also equates to a lot of new opportunities.

volunteer in Sarasota, FL to feel better

Volunteering in your local community can be a powerful way to have an impact and feel connected. It can also lead to socializing and forming new relationships with like-minded individuals. These things are all important for our mental and emotional health as we age.

The golden years should be a time when we can focus on ourselves and what brings us joy. We should feel supported by loved ones and our community as we make this transition.

Some common retirement struggles our patient’s face are:

– Feeling like they no longer have a purpose

– Struggling to find hobbies or activities that bring sufficient fulfillment

– Grief over the loss of a career

– Feeling like they no longer have a social network or support system

– Marital or relationship difficulties

– Financial difficulties

If you or someone you know is struggling with retirement, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Davenport Psychology offers individual therapy and couples counseling to help retired professionals find happiness and fulfillment in their “golden years.” Our psychologists are highly trained and here to help! Call us today at 941-702-2457 to get started. retirement doesn’t have to be stressful! Let us help you find joy in your retirement years.

Watching Movies Can be What The Doctor Ordered

Movie therapy, often known as cinema therapy, is a therapy that involves watching a movie recommended by a doctor or therapist.

The mix of thematic elements—music, conversation, lighting, and images—can frequently elicit strong emotions in viewers, enabling both internal reflection and new perspectives on external events.

Movies can be used in individual therapy, group therapy, or family therapy, but they have been instrumental in couples counseling.

How Can Movie Therapy Help with Healing?

movies can heal

A film can elicit a wide range of emotions in its viewers. Who hasn’t left a movie theater crying, afraid, inspired, or otherwise moved? Movies can open a person’s eyes to new solutions to a variety of problems and give various therapeutic benefits in addition to amusement.

They may offer optimism, serve as role models, or reframe difficulties. Film characters can also be used to represent various challenges that individuals encounter. Viewing a movie in which a character achieves recovery from the same condition, for example, maybe both be inspirational and useful to a person confronting alcohol misuse in therapy.

Furthermore, movies can give a secure space for people to express their thoughts and feelings. Direct questioning from a therapist may be unsettling, particularly those who struggle with openly communicating their feelings.


Cinema in therapy can be a less intimidating way to discuss sentiments. It allows patients to explore worries indirectly by comparing them to those of the characters in the film. Some people may be more inclined to recognize the prevalence of specific issues in their relationships and personal lives when they first see them in a movie.

A person in an emotionally abusive relationship may be unaware that the relationship is abusive. Still, a fictional depiction of an abusive relationship may offer the person a better grasp of what constitutes abuse.

Benefits of Movie Therapy 

Movies can help with a variety of mental health issues.

  1. Improve your mood

If you suffer from an anxiety illness or depression or are anxious and bothered about work and family obligations, watching a movie could make you feel better.

According to a study, engaging in leisure activities such as viewing movies can improve mood and minimize symptoms of depression.

  • Relaxation

According to a study, pleasurable distractions and entertainment may give rest, relaxation, and renewing properties.

It may be more straightforward than it appears to find rest by watching a movie. It could be good to remove any needless distractions from the film.

laughing at movies

If you have problems disconnecting from work or other daily pressures, consider keeping your phone and other devices in another room or setting them to “do not disturb” mode, so you’re only interrupted for essential concerns.

You may discover that you can engage your attention with the narrative you follow without distractions, making for a more relaxing experience.

A musical or romantic comedy, sometimes known as a rom-com, may be just what you need to unwind after a long day.

  • Motivation

Giving your mind a vacation from work to do something enjoyable may drive you to be more productive when you eventually return to work and help you avoid burnout symptoms.

If the film depicts someone successfully pursuing their dreams, it may inspire you to do the same. According to a study, it may also motivate you to start a new pastime or pursue a new goal.

  • Improve your relationships
relationships and movies

If you’ve been feeling a disconnect with someone important to you, whether your love partner, closest friend or child, viewing movies together could be just what you need to rekindle your relationship.

It might be beneficial if you share similar tastes in movies and choose something new that you’re both excited to see.

Not only will you bond throughout the viewing experience, but you may also feel a renewed sense of closeness when you discuss what you saw afterward.

  • Reduce your tension

A good comedy can assist you in relieving stress. A 2016 study discovered that laughter could lower stress chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline in the body.

If you don’t want to laugh, watch a drama or a tearjerker. According to a 2020 study, crying may also lower cortisol levels in the blood.

  • Motivate social and cultural reflection

Watching films that deal with complex subjects could be a thought-provoking experience for you.

Whether you want to learn more about a current social topic or create a debate about an opposing viewpoint, watching films can help educate and enlighten you.


movie popcorn

Engaging in activities that you enjoy can be helpful, such as viewing movies. It has the potential to improve your mental health, ease stress, and create relationships.

Nonetheless, movies are neither medication nor a cure for your mental health concerns. If you have symptoms such as anxiety, depression, burnout, among others interfering with your everyday life, a mental health expert may assist you.

They might be able to tell you whether movie therapy is a good fit for you and your lifestyle.

Do you have issues in your marriage? Here’s a solution – Marriage Counseling

marriage counseling

To begin with, Davenport Psychology offers marriage counselor in Sarasota Fl and Venice, Florida. Their goal is to deliver excellent patient-centered care in a private, peaceful environment. They help you live a life that reflects your ideals. Sadness, anxiety, job stress, life changes, or health problems don’t have to keep you back. The doctors in Sarasota and Venice, Florida, have years of expertise in helping Floridians achieve happiness!

What is Marriage counseling?

Marriage counseling is a couple of therapy provided by trained professionals. It can assist married couples in making meaningful decisions, overcoming disputes, and improving communication. Online Couples Therapy Sarasota is also a great way to get support for your relationship. It connects couples with therapists via the internet and is easy, effective, and time-saving.

Both couples are encouraged to work on self-improvement and self-awareness throughout marriage counseling. Moreover, A marriage counselor can assist you with the following in couples therapy:

  • Examine your hopes, expectations, and fears about your partnership.
  • A Better understanding of one another
  • Teach your group how to communicate effectively with one another. Explain why there are differences of opinion and how to resolve them.
  • Study problem-solving techniques.
  • Learn how to get past marriage disappointments and resentment.
  • Recognize the potential ramifications of a breakup.

A marital counselor understands that couples come to them hesitantly but improve their marriage. Therefore, a professional counselor will go out of their way to make the couple feel at ease and provide the best advice available. Additionally, this online relationship therapy resource includes information prepared by experienced professionals and counselors to assist couples in better addressing their issues.

Who needs Couple therapy?

happy couple counseling

 Counseling can assist couples experiencing marital problems who want to find a solution. Also, it’s done when a couple believes their marriage is on the verge of falling apart and could benefit from some professional advice at this crucial point in their lives. In such circumstances, a qualified counselor’s objective perspective has frequently been shown to be quite beneficial.

What are the after-care instructions?

 The length of time it takes for a relationship to recover is entirely dependent on the couple – it can take anywhere from a few days to months for a couple to re-establish their marriage. Moreover, if you deal with your problems early on, you might need a handful of sessions to solve a problem. However, working through it all could take months or even years. Also, couples often obtain new insights into their relationships and begin to improve their bond with the help of an expert.

What does it cost in Sarasota or Venice to see a marriage and family therapist?

The cost of treatment might range from $150 to $350 per session. At Davenport Psychology, our couples counselors see patients for $200 to $300 per 45 to 55 minute appointment.

What is the rate of marriage counseling success?

The average success rate for most couples seeking marriage counseling is around 50%. It involves things like respecting one other’s viewpoints, listening to each other, and so on.

Is marriage counseling helpful?

The outcomes differ from case to case. While some couples could work out their problems and save their marriages, others realized that separation was the best solution to their problems. Also, it’s important to note that a counselor’s role isn’t always to save a relationship. It might also be about how to end a relationship amicably.

What are the potentially destructive effects of Couple Therapy?

Marriage counseling can produce both positive and negative outcomes. Things may go either way. The couples would likely take their arguments to the therapist, yelling and arguing with one another during the sessions. Hence, at such moments, the therapist might function as a mediator and assist a couple in coping with the stress.

Important questions to ask:

questions for couples counseling

To make the most of each marriage counseling session, the couple should develop a list of questions they have for each other.

The following questions can be discussed with the couple, but they should be encouraged to make their list before the session:

  1. What are the most severe issues in our relationship?
  2. Do we want to be together forever?
  3. Is this just a temporary phase (or something more permanent)?
  4. When did these issues begin?
  5. Do you think we’ll be able to save our marriage?
  6. Do you love me in any way, and if so, how?
  7. What is it about me that you admire the most?
  8. Do you have faith in me?
  9. Do you have any reservations about me?
  10. Are you happy with the level of intimacy we’ve established?
  11. Do you have any other people in your life? Do you wish to do so?
  12. Is it possible for you to believe in me about anything?
  13. Have you had any lingering memories of our time together?
  14. What motivates you to make this work?
  15. What do you want the outcome to be?
  16. Do you see a future for yourself?
  17. What can I do to improve our relationship?
  18. How do you envision our relationship in one, five, or ten years?
  19. Do you realize how much I admire, respect, and admire you?
  20. Are you (or are we) willing to make the necessary changes? 

Asking questions can aid in the discovery of significant underlying issues. Additionally, it can be beneficial for the couple to talk about their problems, move ahead, and resolve them.


Therefore, remember the essential principles below if you truly want your marriage to succeed.

  • Make a point of attending all of your scheduled appointments -The most successful clients attend each appointment.
  • Be open to trying new things and taking a risk – You’ll get new abilities, some of which will appear bizarre at first.
  • Each session should be planned ahead of time – Take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime chance to save your marriage. Bring a list of subjects you’d want to address, as well as any changes that have occurred since the last meeting.
  • Provide direct and honest feedback – Be transparent and honest about what isn’t working.

Contact Davenport Psychology for Couples Counseling


Disclaimer – Please be advised that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed with electronic communications; therefore, please be discrete with what information you provide and we can talk in more depth during our confidential follow up conversations. Call 941-702-2457 to leave a confidential message.

Christian Counseling

The word counsel appears a hundred and thirty-three times throughout the Bible. One Bible verse than rings true in my heart comes from Proverbs 13:10,

“By insolence comes nothing but strife, but with those who take advice is wisdom.”

Psychologist- Swapnil Gohil, Psy.D. Provisional Psychologist Licensee

By: Swapnil Gohil, Psy.D., Provisional Psychologist Licensee- Both the word of God and counseling try to meet individuals where they are­ spiritually, biologically, psychologically, and sociologically. Before one engages with Christian Integration therapy, one must understand that it is not a competition of thought between these two domains. God has provided science and the knowledge of this world as a tool for us to utilize. The relationship between spiritual integration and psychology is more of dance. During certain moments science will take a lead in explaining our cognitive schemas. However, at other times Christian foundational truths will take the lead in justifying these scientifical resources to apply them to our individual lives. This can be seen in such evidenced based practices as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT educates us to challenge negative thoughts to create a new understanding or appraisal of a current event. Christian Integration uses this same process. In Christian Integration  the individual utilizes the word of God to challenge a negative thought to create a new understanding of the event or oneself.

Cross for Christian counseling in Sarasota and Venice FL.

            More and more clients are seeking counselors who can honor their faith. This dynamic is not about religious preference and more about respect for what the client considers to be sacred. Interesting enough there are clients who enter therapy and are apprehensive about Christian Integration. It is interesting we take medical advice or direction from a doctor, but question this same process in the therapeutic room. If a medical professional advised us to take medication to address a certain illness we do not think twice to adhere to this sound counsel. Yet we are apprehensive or we may even consider it  taboo to see a counselor when we are suffering from depression or anxiety. The important relationship one must attempt to understand is that medicinal services are given as tool to utilize in the presence of sickness. We see in Isaiah 38:21,

“Isaiah had said to Hezekiah’s servants, “Make an ointment from figs and spread it over the boil, and Hezekiah will recover.”

Similarly, psychological services are of the same nature. The individual diagnosed with an illness and the individual diagnosed with depression both require prayer and professional support. Just as medical provider and or mental health  provider take in cultural understandings to disseminate treatment, Christian Integration assimilates scientific date into spiritual understandings. It is a relationship that can be classified as a dance of love, forgiveness, understanding, and hope to provide healing.

Christian integration psychotherapy has been proven to be as effective or even more effective than secular formats of psychotherapy for certain populations (Pearce et al.; 2015).

Cross of hope for Christian counseling with Psychologists.

The goal of religious or spiritual psychotherapy is to build upon the current foundational understanding of the patient’s Christian perspective. Thus, allowing the individual to identify and replace their negative thought cycle. Furthermore, Christian integration allows the individual to challenge their negative beliefs based on their current spiritual understanding. This approach facilitates an environment that emphasizes religious beliefs and practices that can be used to reduce depressive or negative symptoms and facilitate positive emotions.

Some of the major tools of Christian Integration Counseling include scripture memorization to renew one’s mind, contemplative prayer, challenging thoughts using religious teachings, engaging in religious practices (e.g., gratitude, altruism, forgiveness), and involvement in a religious community. 

Best Christian counseling in Sarasota!

At Davenport Psychology, Dr. Swapnil Gohil has received his doctoral training from the private Christian university known as Regent University. He has received several years of training in Christian Integration and utilized this evidenced based practice in marriage counseling, substance use disorders, and mood disorders. At Davenport Psychology it is the utmost important to us to provide care to our patients taking into consideration their biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual perspectives. Please do contact us to hear more about Christian Integration Counseling and helping us help you for a better tomorrow.

Pearce, M. J., Koenig, H. G., Robins, C. J., Nelson, B., Shaw, S. F., Cohen, H. J., & King, M. B. (2015). Religiously integrated cognitive behavioral therapy: a new method of treatment for major depression in patients with chronic medical illnessPsychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.)52(1), 56–66.

Schedule Christian Counseling Today with Dr. Gohil!

Call 941-0702-2457

Message Dr. Gohil for Counseling:

Disclaimer – Please be advised that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed with electronic communications; therefore, please be discrete with what information you provide and we can talk in more depth during our confidential follow up conversations. Call 941-702-2457 to leave a confidential message.